Ancient History Gk Questions

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181.  Which ruler murdered his father, Bimbisara to ascend the throne ?

A.  Ashoka
B.  Ajatasatru
C.  Kanishka
D.  Simukha

Correct Answer:-B ( Ajatasatru )
Description:-  Ajatasatru was a king of the Magadha empire in north India. He was the son of King Bimbisara, the great monarch of Magadha. He was contemporary to Mahavira and Buddha. According to the Jain tradition Bimbisara committed suicide while according to Buddhist tradition he was brutally murdered by his own son.

182.  Which ruler founded the famous Vikramshila University for the Buddhists ?

A.  Mahipala
B.  Devapala
C.  Gopala
D.  Dharampala

Correct Answer:-D ( Dharampala )
Description:-  The Vikramasila University was one of the two most important centers of Buddhist learning in India during the Pala dynasty, along with Nalanda University. It was established by King Dharmapala (783 to 820) in response to a supposed decline in the quality of scholarship at Nalanda. Atisha, the renowned pandita, is sometimes listed as a notable abbot.

183.  A great astronomer and mathematician during the Gupta period was

A.  Bhanugupta
B.  Vagabhatta
C.  Aryabhatta
D.  Varahamihira

Correct Answer:-C ( Aryabhatta )
Description:-  Aryabhatta was the first in the line of great mathematician- astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy who belonged to the Gupta era. His period was 476–550 A.D. His most famous works are the Aryabhatiya (499 A.D) and the Arya-Siddhanta.

184.  Which of the following Gupta kings stopped the Huns from invading India?

A.  Kumaragupta
B.  Samudragupta
C.  Skandagupta
D.  Chandragupta

Correct Answer:-C ( Skandagupta )
Description:-  Skandagupta was a Gupta Emperor of northern India. He is generally considered the last of the great Gupta Emperors who faced some of the greatest challenges in the annals of the empire having to contend with the Pushyamitras and the Hunas (a name by which the ‘White Huns’ were known in India). He crushed the Hun invasion in 455, and managed to keep them at bay; however, the expense of the wars drained the empire’s resources and contributed to its decline.

185.  Alexander and the army of Porus camped on the opposite banks of this river

A.  Ravi
B.  Jhelum
C.  Sutlej
D.  Chenab

Correct Answer:-B ( Jhelum )
Description:-  The Battle of the Hydaspes River was fought by Alexander the Great in 326 BC against King Porus of the Hindu Paurava kingdom on the banks of the Hydaspes River (Jhelum River) in the Punjab. The battle resulted in a complete Macedonian victory and the annexation of the Punjab. The battle is historically significant for opening up India for Greek political (Seleucid Empire, Indo-Greeks) and cultural influence (Greco-Buddhist art) which was to continue for many centuries.

186.  Who were the first to issue gold coins in India?

A.  Kushans
B.  Tatars
C.  Mughals
D.  Aryans

Correct Answer:-A ( Kushans )
Description:-  The Indo-Greek kings were the first to issue gold coins in India and their coins were special in the sense that each king had his own distinctive coins by which he could be definitely identified. However, some scholars contend that this credit should go to the Khushan kings. Vima Kadphises is said to be the first to introduce gold coinage in India, in addition to the existing copper and silver coinage.

187.  Who among the following were the first to invade India?

A.  Afghans
B.  Mongols
C.  Arabs
D.  Turks

Correct Answer:-C ( Arabs )
Description:-  The advent of Muslims in India was marked by the Arab conquest of Sind, though long before that the Arabs already had settlements on the western coast of India. Muhammad Bin Qasim, under the order of Hajjaj, advanced in 710 A.D., at the head of a considerable army, subdued Mukran, pushed on through Baluchistan and in 711-12 reduced Sind, the lower valley and delta of the Indus.

188.  Who amidst the following was a wife of emperor Ashoka who influenced him?

A.  Chandalika
B.  Charulata
C.  Gautami
D.  Karuwaki

Correct Answer:-D ( Karuwaki )
Description:-  Maharani Kaurwaki was Empress consort of the Maurya Empire as the first wife of Emperor Ashoka. Legends says that Kaurwaki was the daughter of a fisher man. It is said that she led an army of females against Ashoka in Kalinga after Kalinga had no males left to defend it.

189.  The famous Kailasa temple cut out of the solid rock at Ellora was built under the patronage of the

A.  Cholas
B.  Kadambas
C.  Pallavas
D.  Rashtrakutas

Correct Answer:-D ( Rashtrakutas )
Description:-  Kailashnath Temple is a famous temple, one of the 34 monasteries and temples, known collectively as the Ellora Caves which was built in the 8th century by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna-I.

190.  ‘Purushapura’ is the other name for

A.  Patna
B.  Pataliputra
C.  Peshawar
D.  Punjab

Correct Answer:-C ( Peshawar )
Description:-  The Kushan king Kanishka , moved the capital from Pushkalavati to Purushapura (Peshawar) in the 2nd century AD. Following this move by the Kushans, Peshawar became a great center of Buddhist learning.

191.  Which of the following was the capital of the Chola Kings?

A.  Kanchi
B.  Tanjore
C.  Madurai
D.  Trichirapally

Correct Answer:-B ( Tanjore )
Description:-  Thanjavur, formerly Tanjore, first rose to prominence during the reign of the Medieval Cholas when it served as the capital of the Chola empire. After the fall of the Cholas, the city was ruled by various dynasties like Pandyas, Vijayanagar Empire, Madurai Nayaks, Thanjavur Nayaks, Thanjavur Marathas and the British.

192.  ‘Tripitaka’ is the religious book of

A.  Jains
B.  Buddhists
C.  Sikhs
D.  Hindus

Correct Answer:-B ( Buddhists )
Description:-  Tripitaka is the three main categories of texts that make up the Buddhist canon. As the name suggests, a Tripitaka traditionally contains three ‘baskets’ of teachings: a Sutra Pitaka, a Vinaya Pitaka and an Abhidharma Pitaka.

193.  Which of the following materials was mainly used in the manufacture of Harappan seals?

A.  Terracota
B.  Bronze
C.  Copper
D.  Iron

Correct Answer:-A ( Terracota )
Description:-  Seals are an impressive part of surviving art of Harappan culture. Of these the great majority have animals engraved on them and a short inscription. They are mainly made of terracotta which is a type of earthenware, or clay-based unglazed or glazed ceramic, where the fired body is porous.

194.  The capital of Pallavas was

A.  Arcot
B.  Kanchi
C.  Malkhed
D.  Banavasi

Correct Answer:-B ( Kanchi )
Description:-  Located on the banks of river Vegavathy, Kanchipuram served as the capital city of the Pallava Kingdom during the 4th to 9th century A.D.

195.  Who defeated Harshavardhan on the banks of Narmada ?

A.  Pulakesin I
B.  Pulakesin II
C.  Vikramaditya
D.  Nandivarman

Correct Answer:-B ( Pulakesin II )
Description:-  Harsha’s ambition of extending his power to the Deccan and Southern India were stopped by the great Chalukya Emperor of South India Pulakeshini-II, the Chalukya king of Vatapi in Northern Karnataka along the banks of river Narmada. Pulakeshi defeated Harsha’s army on the banks of the river Narmada in 620. A truce was agreed upon and the river Narmada was marked as the southern boundary of Harsha’s kingdom.

196.  During whose reign did the Gandhara School of Art blossom ?

A.  Harsha
B.  Ashok
C.  Kanishka
D.  Chandragupta II

Correct Answer:-C ( Kanishka )
Description:-  The Kushan period is considered the Golden Period of Gandhara. Peshawar Valley and Taxila are littered with ruins of stupas and monasteries of this period. Gandharan art flourished and produced some of the best pieces of Indian sculpture. Many monuments were created to commemorate the Jataka tales. The Gandhara civilization peaked during the reign of the great Kushan king Kanishka (128–151). The cities of Taxila (Takshasila) at Sirsukh and Peshawar were built.

197.  The Gupta Saka was founded by

A.  Chandra Gupta, the First
B.  Chandra Gupta, the Second
C.  Samudra Gupta
D.  Kumara Gupta

Correct Answer:-A ( Chandra Gupta, the First )
Description:-  Chandra Gupta was a major king in the Gupta Empire around 320 C.E. and is generally considered as the founder of the Gupta dynasty. As the ruler of the Gupta Empire, he is known for forging alliances with many powerful families in the Ganges region. The well known Gupta era which commenced on February 26, 320 AD is generally attributed to Chandragupta I. Hence it is surmised that the Gupta era began on the occasion of the coronation of Chandragupta I.

198.  The language from which the term ‘India’ is derived is

A.  English
B.  Greek
C.  Persian
D.  Arabic

Correct Answer:-C ( Persian )
Description:-  The name India is derived from Indus, which originates from the Old Persian word Hindu. The latter term stems from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, which was the historical local appellation for the Indus River. The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi which translates as ‘the people of the Indus’.

199.  Vaishakha Poornima has a great significance because it was on this day

A.  Buddha was born
B.  Buddha got enlightened
C.  Buddha died
D.  All of the above

Correct Answer:-D ( All of the above )
Description:-  The day of Vaisakh Purnima, which usually falls in the month of May, is considered most sacred by Buddhists all over the world. Buddha attained Supreme Enlighten or Buddha hood, beneath the Bodhi-tree at Boddha Gaya. Forty-five years later at the age of eighty, he finally passed away in Parinivana on the same day of the year at Kushinagar. Vaisaka Purnima is celebrated especially in Boddha Gaya, Lumbini and in Kushinara as they are the holy places that were connected with the blessed ones birth, enlighten and the Parinirvana.

200.  The staple food of the Vedic Aryans was

A.  barley and rice
B.  milk and its products
C.  rice and pulses
D.  vegetables and fruits

Correct Answer:-B ( milk and its products )
Description:-  The Vedic economy revolved around cow and dairy products which is clear from the references found in the Rig Veda. The economy was primarily pastoral. The staple diet of the people was milk, ghee (clarified butter), vegetables, fruit and barley. On special occasions like a religious feast or the arrival of a guest, a more elaborate meal was organized.

201.  With which of the following centres of learning, Chanakya the famous teacher of Chandragupta Maurya, was associated ?

A.  Takshashila
B.  Nalanda
C.  Vikramashila
D.  Vaishali

Correct Answer:-A ( Takshashila )
Description:-  Takshashila, (later corrupted as Taxila), was Chanakya’s breeding ground of acquiring knowledge in the practical and theoretical aspect. He served there as a teacher also before becoming the chief advisor and mentor of Chandragupta Maurya. During the reign of Chandragupta’s grandson Asoka, Taxila became a great Buddhist centre of learning.

202.  Rath temples at Mahabalipuram were built in the reign of which Pallava ruler ?

A.  Mahendravarman I
B.  Narasinghavarman I
C.  Parameshwarvarman I
D.  Nandivarman I

Correct Answer:-B ( Narasinghavarman I )
Description:-  Pancha Rathas is an example of monolith Indian rock-cut architecture dating from the late 7th century, located at Mahabalipuram. The Pancha Rathas shrines were carved during the reign of King Mahendravarman- I and his son Narasimhavarman-I. The purpose of their construction is not known, structures are not completed.

203.  Which one of the following Chola Kings conquered Ceylon (Singhal) first ?

A.  Aditya-I
B.  Rajaraja-I
C.  Rajendra
D.  Vijayalya

Correct Answer:-B ( Rajaraja-I )
Description:-  Rajaraja began his conquests by attacking the confederation between the rulers of the Pandya and Krala kingdoms and of Ceylon. Rajendra Chola I, the son of Rajaraja, invaded the island in 1018 A.D. As a result of the campaign, Rajendra captured the crown of the Sinhala king, his Queen and daughter. The Sinhala king Mahinda-V was taken prisoner and transported to the Chola country’. The naval supremacy of the Colas continued under the immediate successors of Rajendra. Rajadhiraja, not only defeated and destroyed the Chera fleet at Kandalur but sent out his squadrons on an expedition against Ceylon

204.  Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to

A.  Vishnu
B.  Shiva
C.  Brahma
D.  Durga

Correct Answer:-B ( Shiva )
Description:-  The Great Living Chola Temples are important Hindu Kovils that were built during the 10th through 12th centuries CE in the south of India, and together have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The kovils are the Brihadeeswarar Temple at Thanjavur, Brihadeeswarar kovil at Gangaikonda Cholapuram and the Airavatesvarar Kovil at Darasuram. In all these temples, the chief deity who has been depicted and worshipped is Lord Shiva. The Cholas were followers of Saiva pantheon.

205.  In the Gupta period, the largest number of coins were issued in

A.  gold
B.  silver
C.  copper
D.  iron

Correct Answer:-A ( gold )
Description:-  Coins minted in the Gupta Age were mostly made in gold. These coins consisted of the depiction of Indian deities and legends in Brahmi. Events like the Asvamedha Yagya and the accomplishments of the kings were also depicted on the coins.

206.  The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called–

A.  Bali
B.  Vidatha
C.  Varman
D.  Kara

Correct Answer:-A ( Bali )
Description:-  The Vedic state derived its revenue from people’s contribution, technically known as ‘Bali’. Of all the terms used in connection with the items of revenue to the state, it is ‘bali’ which is mentioned most in the Vedic texts. Its use is, however, not restricted exclusively to the fiscal sense but also to ‘offerings to a god’ and to tributes paid by hostile tribes to the king. A man is depicted in the Rig Veda as presenting oblation (bali) to Agni.

207.  Buddha preached his first sermon at–

A.  Gaya
B.  Sarnath
C.  Pataliputra
D.  Vaishali

Correct Answer:-B ( Sarnath )
Description:-  Sarnath is the deer park where Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma, and where the Buddhist Sangha came into existence through the enlightenment of Kondanna. Sarnath is located 13 kilometres north-east of Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh.

208.  ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of

A.  Harsha
B.  Chandra Gupta Maurya
C.  Ashoka
D.  Kanishka

Correct Answer:-D ( Kanishka )
Description:-  Galaxies of great scholars like Asvaghosa (the Buddhist Writer), Nagarjuna (the philosopher), Samgharaksha (the chaplain), Mathara (the politician), Vasumitra (the Buddhist scholar), Charaka (the physician) and Agisala (the engineer) adorned the court of Kanishka. There were two important physicians in Kanishka’s time namely Charaka and Susruta. Charaka was one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, who is referred to as the Father of Medicine.

209.  Great Stupa at Sanchi is in

A.  Uttar Pradesh
B.  Madhya Pradesh
C.  Arunachal Pradesh
D.  Andhra Pradesh

Correct Answer:-B ( Madhya Pradesh )
Description:-  The ‘Great Stupa’ at Sanchi is the oldest stone structure in India and was originally commissioned by the emperor Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BC. It is located in Raisen District of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Sanchi is the location of several Buddhist monuments dating from the 3rd century BC to the 12th century AD.

210.  Which one of the following stages of the life of man in Aryan Society, in ascending order of age, is correct ?

A.  Brahmacharya – Grihastha – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa
B.  Grihastha – Brahmacharya – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa
C.  Brahmacharya – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa – Grihastha
D.  Grihastha – Sanyasa – Vanaprastha – Brahmacharya

Correct Answer:-A ( Brahmacharya – Grihastha – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa )
Description:-  An ashrama in Hinduism is one of four stages in an age-based social system as laid out in the Manu Smriti and later Classical Sanskrit texts. Those stages are: Brahmachari (student), Grihasta (Householder), Vanaprastha (forest dweller or Hermit in semi retirement) and Sannyasi (the renounced one in full retirement). The Ashram system is believed by the Hindus to lead to a fulfillment of the four aims of life namely, Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation).


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