Ancient History Gk Questions

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241.  Subject matter which Manu Smriti deals with is related to

A.  Economics
B.  Politics
C.  Law
D.  Artx

Correct Answer:-C ( Law )
Description:-  Manu Smriti deals with law.

242.  Name the temple in Indonesia where scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharatha are depicted.

A.  Borobudur
B.  Kailashnath
C.  Angkor Wat
D.  Brihadeshwara

Correct Answer:-A ( Borobudur )
Description:-  Borobudur Temple is located in Indonesia. Angkor Wat Temple is located in Cambodia.

243.  The Nalanda University was founded by

A.  Harsha Vardhana
B.  Kumara Gupta
C.  Samudra Gupta
D.  Chandra Gupta

Correct Answer:-B ( Kumara Gupta )
Description:-  Kumara Gupta

244.  The religion, which preached ‘Desire is the cause for all sufferings’ is

A.  Buddhism
B.  Jainism
C.  Sikhism
D.  Hinduism

Correct Answer:-A ( Buddhism )
Description:-  Siddhartha or Gautam Buddha was born in 563 BC at Lumbini near Kapilvastu (Nepal). According to Buddhism the cause of suffering leading to endless rebirth is desire.

245.  The Jaina literature is known as

A.  Tripitakas
B.  Epics
C.  Aryasutras
D.  Angas

Correct Answer:-D ( Angas )
Description:-  The Jaina literature is known as Angas. The first attempts to systematise the preachings of Lord Mahavira, were made in the Pataliputra Council in the 4th century BC, but they were finally rearranged, redacted and committed to writing in the Valabhi Council in 512 AD under the presidentship of Devardhi Kshamasramana.

246.  Mention the centre of the Roman trade during the Sangam Age.

A.  Madurai
B.  Arikamedu
C.  Poompuhar
D.  Musiri

Correct Answer:-D ( Musiri )
Description:-  The important towns of Chera dynasty were Musiri, Tondi, Bandar and Vanji. Roman built a temple of Augustus at Musiri.

247.  Which inscription mentions about the village administration under the Cholas ?

A.  Junagarh
B.  Uttaramerur
C.  Aihole
D.  Nasik

Correct Answer:-B ( Uttaramerur )
Description:-  A tenth century inscription on a temple wall of the brahman village of Uttaramerur gives the details of village administration under Cholas.

248.  Who among the following, propounded the theory of zero ?

A.  Charak
B.  Chanakya
C.  Aryabhatta
D.  Varahamihira

Correct Answer:-C ( Aryabhatta )
Description:-  Aryabhatta was an Indian astronomer and mathematician. He is credited with the invention of Algebra and the theory of zero. India’s first satellite, Aryabhatta was named after him.

249.  The school of arts developed during the Kushan Period with the mixture of Indian and Greek style is known as

A.  Kushan art
B.  Persian art
C.  Gandhara art
D.  Mughal art

Correct Answer:-C ( Gandhara art)
Description:-  Gandhara School of art shows Greek influence, therefore, it is known as Indo-Greek art. The important features of this school are : (i) Buddha is shown as Roman and Greek gods (ii) Moustache and beard are added to Buddha’s face (iii) The figures of this school follow a given ratio between the size of the face and rest of the body. During first and second century blue grey schist stone was used to make idols.

250.  Where was the first Buddhist Council held ?

A.  Vaishali
B.  Kashmir
C.  Rajagriha
D.  Pataliputra

Correct Answer:-C ( Rajagriha )
Description:-  The first Buddhist Council was held at Rajgir in 483 BC during the reign of Ajatasatru. It was presided by Mahakassapa.

251.  Which of the following ruler was a contemporary of Buddha ?

A.  Udayin
B.  Bimbisara
C.  Ajatshatru
D.  Mahapadma Nanda

Correct Answer:-B ( Bimbisara )
Description:-  King of Magadha Bimbisara was contemporary of Lord Buddha. He was a great friend and protector of the Buddha. Bimbisara was born in 558 B.C. He was the emperor of the Magadha empire from 543 BC to his death in 491 B.C. Budhha was born in 563 B.C and died in 483 B.C. 102.

252.  During the reign of which Pallava ruler began the long drawn struggle between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas ?

A.  Mahendravarman I
B.  Simhavishnu
C.  Narasimhavarman I
D.  Mahendravarman II

Correct Answer:-A ( Mahendravarman I )
Description:-  During the reign of Mahendravarman I (590-630) began the long drawn out struggle between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas. He was defeated by Pulakesin II and a part of his kingdom was occupied.

253.  How many spokes are there in the Dharma Chakra of the National flag ?

A.  22
B.  18
C.  24
D.  14

Correct Answer:-C ( 24)
Description:-  The National Flag of India has design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes. The 24 spokes represent the twelve laws of dependent origination and the twelve laws of dependent termination.

254.  From which modern State did the Alwar saints originate ?

A.  Tamil Nadu
B.  Kerala
C.  Karnataka
D.  Maharashtra

Correct Answer:-A ( Tamil Nadu )
Description:-  In South India, the Bhakti movement originated in Tamil Nadu sometime after the 7th century AD with the Alwars (Vaishnava saints) and the Adiyars (Shaiva saints).

255.  What is ‘Milindapanho’ ? –

A.  A Buddhist place
B.  One of the names of Buddha
C.  A Buddhist Specimen of Art
D.  A Buddhist text

Correct Answer:-D ( A Buddhist text )
Description:-  The Milinda Panha (Questions of Milinda) is a Buddhist text which dates from approximately 100 BC. It purports to record a dialogue in which the Indo-Greek king Menander I of Bactria, who reigned in the 2nd century BC, poses questions on Buddhism to the sage Nagasena.

256.  Well preferred tree fossil supposed to be from Jurasic Age in India is reported from :

A.  Pithauragarh
B.  Chhattisgarh
C.  Ramgarh
D.  Bahadurgarh

Correct Answer:-B ( Chhattisgarh )
Description:-  In a discovery that might excite geologists the world over, researchers of the State Forest Research and Training Institute (SFRTI) in Chhattisgarh, in November 2012, announced to have discovered tree fossils that date back about 250 million years – or the Jurassic age. The discovery could be a precursor to more such findings in the Sarguja region, known for its rich fossil reserves.

257.  Which one of the following is not a sect of Buddhism ?

A.  Mahayana
B.  Hinayana
C.  Digambar
D.  Theravad

Correct Answer:-C ( Digambar )
Description:-  Digambara ‘sky-clad’ is one of the two main sects of Jainism, the other being Svetambara. Generally, Digambara monks wear no clothes whereas Svetambara ‘white-clad’ monks usually wear white clothes.

258.  What is the first sermon of Buddha called as ?

A.  Brahmajalasutta
B.  Dhammachakkapabattanasutta
C.  Kachchayanagottasutta
D.  Mahaparinirvansutta

Correct Answer:-B ( Dhammachakkapabattanasutta )
Description:-  The first sermon Buddha gave to the five monks was called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. It is also called the Setting in Motion of the Wheel of Dharma.

259.  Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together are known as

A.  Triratna
B.  Trivarga
C.  Trisarga
D.  Trimurti

Correct Answer:-A ( Triratna )
Description:-  The Three Jewels (triratna) are the three things that Buddhists take refuge in, and look toward for guidance, in the process known as taking refuge. The Three Jewels are: Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

260.  Who was called Lichchavi Dauhitra ?

A.  Chandragupta I
B.  Skandagupta
C.  Kumaragupta
D.  Samudragupta

Correct Answer:-A ( Chandragupta I )
Description:-  Chandragupta I was known as ‘Lichchavidauhitra.’ His marriage with the Lichchavi Princess Kumaradevi was one of the significant events in the Gupta rule. The importance of this marriage can be known further from Samudragupta’s Allahabad inscription in which he has described himself as ‘Lichchhavis-dauhitra or daughter’s son of the Lichchavis.

261.  Mahavira’s first disciple was

A.  Bhadrabahu
B.  Sthulabhadra
C.  Charvaka
D.  Jamali

Correct Answer:-D ( Jamali )
Description:-  Jamali, who was husband of Anonja Priyadarshini, was the first disciple of Mahavira. He was Mahavira’s son-in-law.

262.  Vardhman Mahavir is also known as

A.  Jena
B.  Great teacher
C.  Great preacher
D.  Jain

Correct Answer:-A ( Jena )
Description:-  Vardhamana Mahavira was also known as ‘Jina’ which literally means the ‘conqueror’. Jina refers to the one who has conquered love and hate, pleasure and pain, attachment and aversion, and has thereby freed `his’ soul from the karmas obscuring knowledge, perception, truth, and ability. It was from this word that Jainism was derived.

263.  Which one of the following is not included in the ‘Eight Fold Path’ of Buddhism ?

A.  Right Speech
B.  Right Contemplation
C.  Right Desire
D.  Right Conduct

Correct Answer:-C ( Right Desire )
Description:-  The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the way leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha) and the achievement of self-awakening. The path comprises right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

264.  Which of the following dynasty succeeded the Mauryas ?

A.  Satavahanas
B.  Sungas
C.  Yavanas
D.  Pandya

Correct Answer:-B ( Sungas )
Description:-  The Sunga Empire was an ancient Indian dynasty from Magadha that controlled vast areas of the Indian Subcontinent from around 187 to 78 BCE. The dynasty was established by Pusyamitra Sunga, after the fall of the Maurya Empire.

265.  The Buddhist monk who spread Buddhism in Tibet was

A.  Nagarjuna
B.  Ananda
C.  Asanga
D.  Padmasambhava

Correct Answer:-D ( Padmasambhava )
Description:-  The most important event in the history of Tibetan Buddhism was the arrival of sage Padmasambhava in the 8th century. Padmasambhava translated numerous Buddhist texts into Tibetan language and combined tantric Buddhism with the local Bon religion to create what is today widely known as the Tibetan Buddhism.

266.  King Kharvela was the greatest ruler of the Chedi Dynasty of

A.  Cholamandalam
B.  Kalinga
C.  Kannauj
D.  Purushpur

Correct Answer:-B ( Kalinga )
Description:-  Kharvela was the third and greatest emperor of the Chedi dynasty of Kalinga (present-day Odisha). The main source of information about Kharavela is his famous Hanthigumpha inscription. During his reign, the Chedi dynasty ascended to eminence, which had been subdued since the devastating war with Ashoka.

267.  Pulakesin II was the greatest ruler of the

A.  Cholas of Tamil Nadu
B.  Chalukyas of Badami
C.  Chalukyas of Kalyani
D.  Pallavas of Kanchi

Correct Answer:-B ( Chalukyas of Badami )
Description:-  Pulakesin II (610–642 AD) was the most famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty. In his reign the Chalukyas of Badami saw their kingdom extend over most of the Deccan.

268.  The Uttaramerur inscription provides information on the administration of the

A.  Chalukyas
B.  Satavahanas
C.  Pallavas
D.  Cholas

Correct Answer:-D ( Cholas )
Description:-  An inscription of the 8th century AD at Uttaramerur temple describes the constitution of the local council, eligibility and disqualifications for the candidates, the method selection, their duties and delimits their power in Chola dynasty.

269.  Match the following (a) Chalukyas (b) Hoysalas (c) Rashtrakutas (d) Kakatiyas \n (i) Malkhed (ii) Vatapi (iii) Warangal (iv) Dwarasamudra

A.  (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
B.  (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
C.  (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
D.  (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv),(d)-(i)

Correct Answer:-A ( (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii) )
Description:- Chalukyas : Vatapi (Badami) ; Hoysalas : Dwarasamudra ; Rashtrakutas : Malkhed; and Kakatiyas: Warangal.

270.  Which one of the following is the principal source of information on Asoka’s campaign against Kalinga ?

A.  Pillar Edict VII
B.  Mahavamsa
C.  Divyavadana
D.  Rock Edict XIII

Correct Answer:-D ( Rock Edict XIII )
Description:-  The vivid description of Kalinga war is given in 13th Rock Edict of Asoka. The edict gives description of the devastation caused to Kalinga due to war and how the Mauryan emperor felt remorse for it.


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