Medieval India History Gk Questions

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61.  Who wrote Akbarnama ?

A.  Akbar
B.  Birbal
C.  Abul Fazal
D.  Bhagavan Das

Correct Answer:-C ( Abul Fazal )
Description:-  The Akbarnama, which literally means Book of Akbar, is the official chronicle of the reign of Akbar, the third Mughal Emperor, commissioned by Akbar himself, by his court historian and biographer, Abul Fazl who was one of the nine jewels in Akbar’s court. It includes vivid and detailed descriptions of his life and times. The first volume of Akbarnama deals with the birth of Akbar, the history of Timur’s family and the reigns of Babur and Humayun and the Suri sultans of Delhi. The second volume describes the detailed history of the reign of Akbar till 1602, and records the events during Akbar’s reign.

62.  Arrange the following in chronological order : \n a. Tughlaqs b. Lodis c. Sayyids d. Ilbari Turks e. Khiljis

A.  a, b, c, d, e
B.  e, d, c, b, a
C.  b, d, e, c, a
D.  d, e, a, c, b

Correct Answer:-D ( d, e, a, c, b )
Description:-  The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties, Delhi based kingdoms or sultanates, mostly of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin in medieval India. The sultanates ruled from Delhi between 1206 and 1526, when the last was replaced by the Mughal dynasty. The five dynasties were the Mamluk dynasty (1206–90); the Khilji dynasty (1290– 1320); the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414); the Sayyid dynasty (1414–51); and the Afghan Lodi dynasty (1451–1526). The Mamluk Dynasty or Slave Dynasty, directed into India by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a Turkish general of Central Asian birth, was the first of five unrelated dynasties to rule India’s Delhi Sultanate from 1206 to 1290.

63.  The Lodi dynasty was founded by

A.  Ibrahim Lodi
B.  Sikandar Lodi
C.  Bahlol Lodi
D.  Khizr Khan

Correct Answer:-C ( Bahlol Lodi )
Description:-  Lodi Dynasty was a Pashtun dynasty that was the last dynasty to rule the Delhi Sultanate. The dynasty founded by Bahlul Lodi ruled from 1451 to 1526. The last ruler of this dynasty, Ibrahim Lodi was defeated and killed by Babur in the first Battle of Panipat on April 20, 1526.

64.  Who among the following was an illiterate?

A.  Jahangir
B.  Shah Jahan
C.  Akbar
D.  Aurangazeb

Correct Answer:-C ( Akbar )
Description:-  Akbar spent his childhood in the rough terrain of Afghanistan. His early years were spent learning how to hunt, fight and mature into a skillful warrior. He did not find time to read and write and was illiterate. But his illiteracy did not hamper his quest for knowledge and desire to know about new things. Akbar had a huge library and a vast collection of books and scriptures. His courtiers read out the books for him.

65.  The first Indian Hindi Scholar of the Mughal period was

A.  Malik Muhammed Jayasi
B.  Abdur Rahim
C.  Mulla Wajhi
D.  Chand Bardai

Correct Answer:-A ( Malik Muhammed Jayasi )
Description:-  Malik Muhammad Jayasi was an Indian poet who wrote in the Avadhi dialect of Hindi. His most famous work is Padmavat (1540), a poem describing the story of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khilji in AD 1303, who attacked Chittor after hearing of the beauty of Queen Rani Padmini, the wife of King Rawal Ratan Singh. His other important works are Akhrawat and Akhiri Kalaam.

66.  The Upanishads were translated by Dara Shikoh in Persian under the title of

A.  Mayma-ul-Bahrain
B.  Sirr-i-Akbar
C.  Al-Fihrist
D.  Kitabul Bayan

Correct Answer:-B ( Sirr-i-Akbar )
Description:-  Dara Shikoh, Emperor Shah Jahan’s son and brother of Aurangzeb, tranlsated the Upanishads into Persian, with the help of several pundits of Banaras. His translation of the Upanishads is appropriately called Sirr-i-Akbar, ‘The Greatest Secret.’ Before Sirr-i-Akbar he had written several other books, the most famous of which is Majma ul-Bahrain [‘The Mingling of Two Oceans’], an independent work devoted to discovering the affinities between Vedantic and Sufi perceptions of the Ultimate Truth.

67.  After the death of Rajaram in 1700 A.D., Marathas continued the war against the Mughals under his brave wife

A.  Tarabai
B.  Lakshmibai
C.  Ramabai
D.  Jijabai

Correct Answer:-A ( Tarabai )
Description:-  Tarabai was skilled in cavalry movement, and made strategic movements herself during wars. She personally led the war and continued the insurgency against the Mughals. A truce was offered to the Mughals in such way that it was promptly rejected by the Mughal emperor, and Tarabai continued the Maratha resistance.

68.  Which Sikh Guru called himself the ‘Sachcha Badshah’?

A.  Guru Gobind Singh
B.  Guru Hargovind
C.  Guru Tegh Bahadur
D.  Guru Arjan Dev

Correct Answer:-C ( Guru Tegh Bahadur )
Description:-  Guru Tegh Bahadur became the 9th Guru of Sikhs on 20 March 1665, following in the footsteps of His Grand-Nephew, Guru Har Krishan Sahib. Tegh Bahadur was given the title Bahadur by his father Guru Hargobind (sixth Guru of the Sikhs) as he displayed such bravery with the sword in battle. Later upon return to Eastern Punjab settling down at Anandpur his followers began to refer to him as the ‘Sacha Badshah’ (True King). He was executed on the orders of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in Delhi.

69.  Coronation of Shivaji took place in

A.  1627 A.D.
B.  1674 A.D.
C.  1680 A.D.
D.  1670 A.D.

Correct Answer:-B ( 1674 A.D. )
Description:-  On 6th June 1674, Shivaji’s coronation ceremony was performed according to the shastras by Vishweshwar, also called Gaga Bhatta, of Varanasi, a master of the four Vedas, the six philosophies and all the Hindu scriptures after he had gone through the genealogy brought by Balaji Avji Prabhu, Shivaji’s secretary, which showed that the Bhonsles were a branch of the highly respected Sisodias of Mewar, the Kshatriyas of the purest Rajput clan.

70.  Identify the European power from whom Shivaji obtained cannons and ammunition :

A.  The French
B.  The Portuguese
C.  The Dutch
D.  The English

Correct Answer:-B ( The Portuguese )
Description:-  He used cannons and ammunition from the Portuguese to attack the English. In June 1661, Shivaji’s soldiers plundered Rajapur and captured several Englishmen. This was payback for the English aid to Bijapur. The following year, he captured a band of Englishmen in Surat for supplying ammunition to his enemies.

71.  The Muslim adventurer who destroyed the Nalanda University was

A.  Alla-ud-din Khilji
B.  Muhammad-bin-Tughlak
C.  Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar
D.  Muhammad-bin-Quasim

Correct Answer:-C ( Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar )
Description:-  Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji was a Turkic military general of Qutb-ud-din Aybak. It is alleged by some writers that he was responsible for the destruction of Nalanda, which was an ancient Buddhist University in Bihar, India, nearby to the stronghold of Bihar. The main Persian source for this explains Khalji attacked the fortress unaware that it was a University.

72.  Painting reached its highest level of development during the reign of

A.  Akbar
B.  Aurangzeb
C.  Jahangir
D.  Shah Jahan

Correct Answer:-C ( Jahangir )
Description:-  Mughal painting reached its zenith under Jahangir, a great connoisseur and outstanding patron of painting. As a young prince, Jahangir had founded his own atelier, under the supervision of master Aqa Riza. His artists developed a new, naturalistic style distinctive for ist subdued palette, psychologically expressive portraiture, and outstanding natural history painting.

73.  Who translated Ramayana into Persian ?

A.  Abul Fazl
B.  Badauni
C.  Abdul Latif
D.  Isar Das

Correct Answer:-B ( Badauni )
Description:-  Mullah Abd-ul-Qadir Bada’uni was an Indo-Persian historian and translator living during the Mughal period in India. Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar appointed him to the religious office in the royal courts in 1574 where he spent much of his career. He translated the Hindu works, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The most notable work of Bada’uni is Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh (Selection of Chronicles) or Tarikh-i-Bada’uni (Bada’uni’s History) which is a general History of the Muslims of India.

74.  The Battle of Haldighati was fought between

A.  Akbar and Rana Sangram Singh
B.  Akbar and Medini Rai
C.  Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh
D.  Akbar and Uday Singh

Correct Answer:-C ( Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh )
Description:-  The Battle of Haldighati was fought between the Mughal Empire and the forces of Mewar on June 21, 1576 at Haldighati. Remembered as the most important event in Rajput history, the battle of Haldighati was an ‘Indecisive Battle’. It was fought between Akbar (Ruler of Mughals) and Maharana Pratap Singh I (Ruler of Rajputs). It was a short-span battle that lasted for only 4 hours. Abdul Qadir Badayuni was present at the Battle of Haldighati.

75.  The famous Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan was taken away in 1739 by

A.  Afghan invader Ahmed Shah Abdali
B.  Persian invader Nadir Shah
C.  Mongol invader Chengiz Khan
D.  British East India Company

Correct Answer:-B ( Persian invader Nadir Shah )
Description:-  The Peacock Throne, called Takht-e Tavus in Persian, is the name originally given to a Mughal throne of India. Nader Shah invaded the Mughal Empire in 1738, and returned to Persia in 1739 with the original Peacock Throne as well as many other treasures, amounting to a very large reduction in Indian wealth, taken from the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah.

76.  The famous Bhakti Saint who belonged to the royal family of Mewar was

A.  Chaitanya
B.  Andal
C.  Meerabai
D.  Ramabai

Correct Answer:-C ( Meerabai )
Description:-  Meerabai was an aristocratic Hindu mystical singer and devotee of Lord Krishna from Rajasthan and one of the most significant figures of the Sant tradition of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Some 1,200– 1,300 prayerful songs or bhajans attributed to her are popular throughout India and have been published in several translations worldwide.

77.  What does Jahangir mean ?

A.  National Monarch
B.  The Grand Monarch
C.  Conqueror of the world
D.  Hero of hundred battles

Correct Answer:-C ( Conqueror of the world )
Description:-  Prince Salim was Akbar’s eldest son, who took the reign name Jahangir, which means ‘world grasper.’ He explained in his memoir that there was a contemporary Ottoman emperor also named Salim, which made him decide to change his name.

78.  Humayun Nama was written by

A.  Humayun
B.  Akbar
C.  Abul Fazl
D.  Gulbadan Begum

Correct Answer:-D ( Gulbadan Begum )
Description:-  Gulbadan Begum was a Perso-Turkic Princess, the daughter of Emperor Zahir ud-Din Mohammad Babur of India, who is most known as the author of Humayun Nama, the account of the life of her brother, Humayun. Akbar commissioned Gulbadan Begum to chronicle the story of her brother Humayun. She took the challenge and produced a document titled Ahwal Humayun Padshah Jamah Kardom Gulbadan Begum bint Babur Padshah amma Akbar Padshah. It came to be known as Humayun-nama.

79.  The French East India Company was founded in

A.  1600
B.  1620
C.  1664
D.  1604

Correct Answer:-C ( 1664)
Description:-  The French East India Company was a commercial enterprise, founded in 1664 to compete with the British and Dutch East India companies in the East Indies. Planned by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, it was chartered by King Louis XIV for the purpose of trading in the Eastern Hemisphere.

80.  What was the name of the Hall of Worship constructed by Akbar?

A.  Diwan-e-Khas
B.  Diwan-e-Aam
C.  Ibadat Khana
D.  Buland Darwaza

Correct Answer:-C ( Ibadat Khana )
Description:-  The Ibadat Khana was a meeting house built in 1575 CE by the Mughal Emperor Akbar at his palace in Fatehpur Sikri to gather religious leaders of many faiths in discussion. He built it originally as a debating house open only to Sunni Muslims, but following a series of petty squabbles which turned ugly, Akbar encouraged Hindus, Roman Catholics and even atheists to participate. Religious leaders and philosophers from around this diverse empire, as well as those passing through, were invited to Akbar’s Thursday evening discussions.

81.  Krishna Deva Raya was a contemporary of

A.  Shershah
B.  Humayun
C.  Babur
D.  Akbar

Correct Answer:-C ( Babur )
Description:-  Krishna Deva Raya was an Emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire who reigned from 1509–1529 CE. The time period of Babur’s reign in India was from 1526 to 1530.

82.  The first muslim women who ruled Northern India was

A.  Razia Sultana
B.  Mumtaz
C.  Nurjahan
D.  None of the above

Correct Answer:-A ( Razia Sultana )
Description:-  Razia Sultana was the Sultana of Delhi in India from 1236 to May 1240. She succeeded her father Shams-ud-din Iltutmish to the Sultanate of Delhi in 1236. Iltutmish became the first sultan to appoint a woman as his successor when he designated his daughter Razia as his heir apparent. Razia was the first and last women ruler of Delhi Sultanate.

83.  The Sikh military sect ‘the Khalsa’ was introduced by—

A.  Har Rai
B.  Harkishan
C.  Gobind Singh
D.  Tegh Bahadur

Correct Answer:-C ( Gobind Singh )
Description:-  Khalsa is the collective body of Singhs and Kaurs represented by the five beloved-ones and is the final temporal Guru/leader of the Sikhs. It was inaugurated on March 30, 1699, by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. The Khalsa is responsible for all executive, military and civil authority.

84.  Shivaji ceded the forts to the Mughals by the treaty of—

A.  Chittor
B.  Pune
C.  Purandar
D.  Torna

Correct Answer:-C ( Purandar )
Description:-  The Treaty of Purandar was signed on June 11, 1665, between the Rajput ruler Jai Singh-I, who was commander of the Mughal Empire, and Maratha Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. According to this treaty, Shivaji kept twelve forts, along with an area worth an income of one lakh hun, while rest of his forts were ceded to the Mughals. Along with these requirements, Shivaji agreed to visit Agra to meet Aurangzeb for further political talks.

85.  The first Sultan of Delhi, who attempted the conquest of South India was

A.  Qutb-ud-din Mubarak
B.  Nasir-ud-din Khusrav Shah
C.  Ala-ud-din Khilji
D.  Jala-ud-din Firoz

Correct Answer:-C ( Ala-ud-din Khilji )
Description:-  Ala-ud-din Khilji launched several expeditions against the Deccan states. His expeditions were carried out by his able commander Malik Kafur who first won Devagiri and Baglana, followed by Warangal, Dwar Samudra, Mabar and Madurai in the first two decades of the 14th century. But, within a decade after the death of Alaudin Khalji several south Indian rulers like Prolaya Vema Reddy of the Reddy dynasty, Musunuri Kaapaaneedu and Hakka and Bukka of the Vijayanagara Empire liberated whole south India from the Delhi Sultanate. Additionally the Bahmani Sultanate also gained its independence in the Deccan in the 14th century.

86.  Who was the Guru of Kabir?

A.  Ramanuja
B.  Ramananda
C.  Vallabhacharya
D.  Namadeva

Correct Answer:-B ( Ramananda )
Description:-  The early spiritual training of Kabir came from Ramananda, who became his guru when Kabir was still a child. There are various versions of how Ramananda came to accept Kabir as his disciple. What all the versions agree is that Kabir tricked Ramananda into giving him a mantra for meditation, which forced him to accept Kabir as his disciple.

87.  The reputed musician duo, Tansen and Baiju Bawra, flourished during the reign of—

A.  Jahangir
B.  Bahadur Shah Zafar
C.  Akbar
D.  Shah Jahan

Correct Answer:-C ( Akbar )
Description:-  Tansen was among the Navaratnas (nine jewels) at the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Like Tansen, the musician at the court of Mughal Emperor Akbar, Bawra was a disciple of Swami Haridas (1512– 1607). He was the court musician of Raja Mansingh of Gwalior.

88.  The first Bhakti Movement was organised by

A.  Nanak
B.  Meera
C.  Ramdas
D.  Ramanujacharya

Correct Answer:-D ( Ramanujacharya )
Description:-  The Bhakti movement originated in ancient Tamil Nadu and began to spread to the north during the late medieval ages when north India was under Islamic rule. Ramanujacharya (1017-1137) was the earliest exponent of the Bhakti movement and Vishistadvaita philosophy. He provided a philosophical movement to the movement.

89.  The Mir Bakshi of the Mughal Emperors was the head of

A.  Intelligence
B.  Foreign affairs
C.  Army organisation
D.  Finance

Correct Answer:-C ( Army organisation )
Description:-  During the Mughal rule, the Mir Bakshi Headed military department, nobility, information and intelligence agencies. In provincial administration, the Bakshi was the head of military department. Diwan used to be responsible for all income and expenditure and had control over Khalisa and Jagir land.

90.  Which among the following was the capital of Shivaji?

A.  Poona
B.  Raigarh
C.  Singhgarh
D.  Panhala

Correct Answer:-B ( Raigarh )
Description:-  Shivaji created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigarh as its capital, and was crowned chhatrapati (‘paramount sovereign’) of the Marathas in 1674. Raigarh is a hill fortress situated in the modern day near Mahad, Raigarh district of Maharashtra. It is located in the Sahyadri mountain range.


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