Medieval India History Gk Questions

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121.  Which Khilji ruler killed his father- in law to ascend the throne of Delhi ?

A.  Qutb-ud-din Aibak
B.  Jalal-ud- din khilji
C.  Ghiyas – ud-din
D.  Ala-ud-din Khilji

Correct Answer:-D ( Ala-ud-din Khilji )
Description:-  Jalal-ud-din Khalji was the first Khalji ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. He was killed by his cruel nephew and son-in-law Ala-ud-din Khilji when he arrived to dinner with him.

122.  The city of Dhillika (Delhi) was founded by

A.  Chauhans
B.  Tomars
C.  Pawars
D.  Pratiharas

Correct Answer:-B ( Tomars )
Description:-  Dhilika is the ancient name for the city of Delhi. It was believed to be the capital of Pandavas and later Dhilli was founded by Tomars in AD 736.

123.  Who wrote ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ the great historical work?

A.  Abul Fazl
B.  Amir Khusrau
C.  Firoz Shah
D.  Abdul Rashid

Correct Answer:-A ( Abul Fazl )
Description:-  The Ain-i-Akbari or the ‘Constitution of Akbar’, is a 16th century, detailed document recording the administration of emperor Akbar’s empire, written by his vizier, Abu’l-Fazl ibn Mubarak. It makes the Volume III and the final part of the much larger document, the Akbarnama, the Book of Akbar, also by Abul Fazl, and it itself is in three volumes.

124.  The guerilla warfare was pioneered by

A.  Aurangzeb
B.  Akbar
C.  Shivaji
D.  Balaji Rao

Correct Answer:-C ( Shivaji )
Description:-  One of the earliest examples of guerrilla warfare, is Shivaji, the Maratha king. He fought several battles in which he used guerrilla tactics to overcome superior forces. He innovated rules of military engagement, pioneering the ‘Shiva sutra’ or ganimi kava (guerrilla tactics), which leveraged strategic factors like geography, speed, surprise and focused pinpoint attacks to defeat his larger and more powerful enemies.

125.  Quwwat-ul-Islam’ Mosque was built by

A.  Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B.  Alauddin Khilji
C.  Iltutmish
D.  Mohammad Adilshah

Correct Answer:-A ( Qutub-ud-din Aibak )
Description:-  Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque (Might of Islam) (also known as the Qutub Mosque or the Great Mosque of Delhi) was built by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, founder of the Mamluk or Slave dynasty. It was the first mosque built in Delhi after the Islamic conquest of India and the oldest surviving example of Ghurids architecture in Indian subcontinent.

126.  Krishnadevaraya main-tained freindly relations with the

A.  French
B.  British
C.  Portuguese
D.  Dutch

Correct Answer:-C ( Portuguese )
Description:-  Krishna Deva Raya established friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set up the Portuguese Dominion of India in Goa in 1510. The Emperor obtained guns and Arabian horses from the Portuguese merchants. He also utilized Portuguese expertise in improving water supply to Vijayanagara City.

127.  The second Battle of Panipat was fought between

A.  Akbar and Hemu
B.  Rajputs and Mughals
C.  Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
D.  Sikander and Adilshah

Correct Answer:-A ( Akbar and Hemu )
Description:-  The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between the forces of Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, popularly called Hemu, the Hindu king who was ruling North India from Delhi, and the army of Akbar, on November 5, 1556. It was a decisive victory for Akbar’s generals Khan Zaman I and Bairam Khan.

128.  The Sufi saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of moving closer to God was

A.  Muin-ud-din-Chisti
B.  Baba Farid
C.  Saiyid Muhammed
D.  Shah Alam Bukhari

Correct Answer:-B ( Baba Farid )
Description:-  Farid-ud’din Mas’ud (1175-1265 AD), better known as Sheikh Farid, or Baba Farid, is one of the most revered and distinguished of medieval Sufi Mystics. He found music as a way of reaching God. Baba Farid’s mystic songs were intended to break the strain of his emotions, to quicken his emotional response, and to attune his heart to the infinite and the eternal. Sometimes he would himself recite couplets and supply fuel to his burning emotions.

129.  The Sikh Guru who wrote ‘Zafar Namah’ in Persian was

A.  Guru Har Rai
B.  Guru Har Krishan
C.  Guru Gobind Singh
D.  Guru Tegbahadur

Correct Answer:-C ( Guru Gobind Singh )
Description:-  Known as the Letter of Victory, Zafarnama was written in Persian by Guru Gobind Singh as a letter of defiance and delivered to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. It was composed by Guru Gobind Singh in one of the darkest times for the Sikhs. Guru Gobind Singh had lost his four sons, while most of the Sikhs had either been scattered or killed on the battlefield.. The letter praises God and then outlines the bloody battle of Chamkaur and the treachery of Aurangzeb and the Mughals who broke their oath not to attack the Sikhs.

130.  Which of the following was built by Akbar to commemorate his conquest of Khandesh in Gujarat?

A.  Bada Imambara
B.  Buland Darwaza
C.  Jama Masjid
D.  Siddi Bashir

Correct Answer:-B ( Buland Darwaza )
Description:-  Buland Darwaza, meaning ‘high’ or ‘great’ gate in Persian, is located in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra, India. It is also known as the ‘Gate of Magnificence.’ Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over Gujarat.

131.  The Delhi Sultan who fell to his death while playing polo was

A.  Qutbuddin Aibak
B.  Alauddin Khilji
C.  Feroz Shah Tughlaq
D.  Ghiasuddin Tughlaq

Correct Answer:-A ( Qutbuddin Aibak )
Description:-  Qutb-ud-din Aibak was the first Sultan of Delhi and founder of the Ghulam dynasty (Mamluk Sultanate) of India. He ruled for only four years, from 1206 to 1210 AD. He died while playing polo in Lahore.

132.  Who was the founder of the city of Agra ?

A.  Firoz Tughlaq
B.  Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq
C.  Alauddin Khilji
D.  Sikandar Lodi

Correct Answer:-D ( Sikandar Lodi )
Description:-  It is generally accepted that Sultan Sikandar Lodi, the Ruler of the Delhi Sultanate founded Agra in the year 1504. He moved his capital from Delhi to Agra in 1506. After the Sultan’s death the city passed on to his son Sultan Ibrahim Lodi who remained in power there for nine more years, finally being defeated at the Battle of Panipat in 1526.

133.  The Bhakti cult spread in Maharashtra with the teaching of

A.  Sant Tukaram
B.  Sant Jnanesvar
C.  Samarth Guru Ramdas
D.  Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Correct Answer:-B ( Sant Jnanesvar )
Description:-  Saint Jnaneshwar was a 13th century Maharashtrian Hindu saint, poet, philosopher and yogi of the Nath tradition whose works Bhavartha Deepika (a commentary on Bhagavad Gita, popularly known as ‘Dnyaneshwari’), and Amrutanubhav are considered to be milestones in Marathi literature. He strongly advocated devotion guided by knowledge.

134.  The remains of the Great Vijayanagar Empire can be found in

A.  Bijapur
B.  Golconda
C.  Hampi
D.  Baroda

Correct Answer:-C ( Hampi )
Description:-  Hampi is located within the ruins of Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Predating the city of Vijayanagara, it continues to be an important religious centre, housing the Virupaksha Temple, as well as several other monuments belonging to the old city. The ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed as the Group of Monuments at Hampi.

135.  The Sikh Guru who wrote Guru Nanak’s biography was

A.  Guru Angad Dev
B.  Guru Amardas
C.  Guru Ramdas
D.  Guru Arjun Dev

Correct Answer:-A ( Guru Angad Dev )
Description:-  The second Sikh Guru, Guru Angad invented and introduced the Gurmukhi (written form of Punjabi) script and made it known to all Sikhs. He collected the facts about Guru Nanak Sahib’s life from Bhai Bala ji and wrote the first biography of Guru Nanak Sahib. He also wrote 63 Saloks (stanzas), these were included in Guru Granth Sahib.

136.  Where is Gol Gumbaz, the largest dome in the world, situated?

A.  Damascus
B.  Istanbul
C.  Cairo
D.  Bijapur

Correct Answer:-D ( Bijapur )
Description:-  Gol Gumbaz s the mausoleum of Mohammed Adil Shah, Sultan of Bijapur. The tomb, located in Bijapur, Karnataka in India, was completed in 1656 by the architect Yaqut of Dabul. Although ‘impressively simple in design’, it is the ‘structural triumph of Deccan architecture’.

137.  To take care of the conquered lands, Mohmmad Ghori left behind his trusted General

A.  Nasiruddin
B.  Iltutmish
C.  Qutbuddin Aibak
D.  Malik Kafur

Correct Answer:-C ( Qutbuddin Aibak )
Description:-  After the Second Battle of Tarain and the foundation of Muslim rule in India, Muhammad Ghori returned west to Ghazni to deal with the threat to his western frontiers from the unrest in Iran, but he appointed Qutb-ud-din Aybak as his regional governor for northern India. His armies, mostly under Turkic generals, continued to advance through northern India, raiding as far east as Bengal. Aibak ransacked Ayodhya temples in 1193, followed by his conquest of Delhi.

138.  The famous city of Bhopal was founded by the Rajput ruler

A.  Prithviraj Chauhan
B.  Dharmapala
C.  Raja Bhoja
D.  Jaichand

Correct Answer:-C ( Raja Bhoja )
Description:-  According to folklore, Bhopal is said to have been founded by the king Bhoja of the Paramara dynasty (1000–1055 CE), who ruled from his capital at Dhar. This theory states that Bhopal was originally known as Bhojpal after the king and the dam (‘pal’) constructed by him. No available archaeological evidence, inscriptions or historical texts support the claim about an earlier settlement founded by Bhoja at the same place, although a temple complex constructed by him exists at Bhojpur, which is located 28 km from Bhopal.

139.  Chand Bibi the famous Muslim ruler belonged to which kingdom?

A.  Bijapur
B.  Golconda
C.  Ahmednagar
D.  Berar

Correct Answer:-C ( Ahmednagar )
Description:-  Chand Bibi, also known as Chand Khatun or Chand Sultana, was an Indian Muslim woman warrior. She acted as the Regent of Bijapur and Regent of Ahmednagar. Chand Bibi is best known for defending Ahmednagar against the Mughal forces of Emperor Akbar.

140.  ‘Prithvirajraso’ was written by

A.  Bhavabhuti
B.  Jaideva
C.  Chand Bardai
D.  Banabhatta

Correct Answer:-C ( Chand Bardai )
Description:-  The Prithviraj Raso is an epic poem composed by court poet, Chand Bardai, on the life of Prithviraj III, a Chauhan king who ruled Ajmer and Delhi between 1165 and 1192. Chand Bardai claimed to be contemporary of Prithviraj Chauhan.

141.  The court language of the Delhi Sultanate was

A.  Urdu
B.  Persian
C.  Hindi
D.  Arabic

Correct Answer:-B ( Persian )
Description:-  During the Delhi Sultanate, the rise of Persian speaking people to the throne naturally resulted in the spread of the Persian language in India. It was the official language and soon literary works in the language began to appear. Amir Khusrav was a noted writer of the period, who was one of the first writers to write Persian literature about events concerning India.

142.  Razia Sultan, the first woman to sit on the throne of Delhi, was the daughter of Sultan

A.  Mohammed Ghori
B.  Mohammed of Ghazni
C.  Iltutmish
D.  Alauddin Khilji

Correct Answer:-C ( Iltutmish )
Description:-  In 1236 Iltutmish, on his death-bed, nominated his daughter Raziya as his heiress. But the nobles of the court were too proud to bow their heads before a woman, and disregarding the deceased Sultan’s wishes, raised to the throne his eldest surviving son, Ruknud- din Firuz.

143.  Name the king who invaded Delhi and plundered the Kohinoor Diamond.

A.  Nadir Shah
B.  Firuz Shah
C.  Mohammed Shah
D.  Mohammed Ghori

Correct Answer:-A ( Nadir Shah )
Description:-  Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India in 1739 and sacked Agra and Delhi. Along with the Peacock Throne, he also carried off the Koh-i Noor to Persia in 1739. It was allegedly Nadir Shah who exclaimed Koh-i Noor! when he finally managed to obtain the famous stone, and this is how the stone gained its present name. There is no reference to this name before 1739.

144.  The Grand Trunk Road was built during the reign of which ruler?

A.  Shershah Suri
B.  Babar
C.  Shah Jahan
D.  Akbar

Correct Answer:-A ( Shershah Suri )
Description:-  The Sadak-e-Azam (‘great road’) is universally recognized as having been the precursor of the Grand Trunk Road. The road was initially built by Sher Shah to connect Agra, his capital, with Sasaram, his hometown.

145.  The founder of the Independent Sikh State was :

A.  Guru Nanak
B.  Guru Govind Singh
C.  Dalip Singh
D.  Ranjit Singh

Correct Answer:-D ( Ranjit Singh )
Description:-  Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which came to power in the Indian subcontinent in the early half of the 19th century. The empire, based in the Punjab region, existed from 1799 to 1849. It was forged, on the foundations of the Khalsa, under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh from a collection of autonomous Sikh Misls.

146.  The innovator of the Revenue settlement during the rule of Akbar was

A.  Raja Mansingh
B.  Raja Bhagwan Das
C.  Raja Todarmal
D.  Raja Birbal

Correct Answer:-C ( Raja Todarmal )
Description:-  Raja Todar Mal was a warrior, an able administrator and an exemplary finance minister. He was one of the ‘Navratnas’ of Akbar’s court. He introduced an excellent land revenue system. In 1582, the title Diwan- I- Ashraf was bestowed upon him by the Emperor.

147.  Name the language that was designated as the ‘Camp Language’ during the Medieval Period

A.  Sanskrit
B.  Pali
C.  Hindi
D.  Urdu

Correct Answer:-D ( Urdu )
Description:-  Urdu means ‘(military) camp’ in the Hindustani language, from Turkish ordu meaning ‘army’; and Urdu language was the language of the camp when Nader Shah of Persia (now Iran) invaded India. The language went by several names over the years: Hindawi or Hindi, ‘[language] of India’; Dehlavi ‘of Delhi’; Hindustani, ‘of Hindustan’; and Zaban-e-Urdu, ‘the language of the [army] camp’, from which came the current name of Urdu around the year 1800.

148.  Which is the tallest of all Medieval Indian temples ?

A.  Kailasa Temple at Ellora
B.  Sun Temple at Konark
C.  Nilakantheswara Temple at Udaipur
D.  Brihadeswara Temple at Tanjore

Correct Answer:-D ( Brihadeswara Temple at Tanjore )
Description:-  The Brihadeeswara Temple at Thanjavur in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva and a brilliant example of the major heights achieved by Cholas in Tamil architecture. The vimana or (temple tower) is 216 ft (66 m) high and is among the tallest of its kind in the world. Built in 1010 AD by Raja Raja Chola I in Thanjavur, Brihadeeswarar Temple, also popularly known as the ‘Big Temple’, turned 1000 years old in 2010.

149.  A renowned Jain scholar wh was greatly honoured by Akbar was

A.  Hemachandra
B.  Harivijaya
C.  Vastupala
D.  Bhadrabahu

Correct Answer:-B ( Harivijaya )
Description:-  During the rule of Akbar Jainism flourished to a great extent. Delhi became a centre of the Digambara Kashtha Sangha. Akbar deeply revered the Jain dharma Acharya, Muni Padmasunder. On being invited by Akbar, most renowned Bhattarak Harivijay Suri of Tapagachcha of Gujarat came to Agra. Akbar bestowed upon Harivijay Suri with the epithet ‘Jagadguru’.

150.  Which one is not situated at Fatehpur Sikri ?

A.  The Panch Mahal
B.  Moti Masjid
C.  Tomb of Salim Chishti
D.  The Mariam Palace

Correct Answer:-B ( Moti Masjid )
Description:-  The Moti Masjid in Agra was built by Shah Jahan. The other Moti Masjid is a large white marble mosque built by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb at the Red Fort complex in Delhi, India, from 1659-1660.


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