Medieval India History Gk Questions

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151.  The Sultan who described himself as ‘The Second Alexander’ (Sikander -i- Sani) was

A.  Balban
B.  Alauddin Khilji
C.  Muhammad bin Tughluq
D.  Sikander Lodi

Correct Answer:-B ( Alauddin Khilji )
Description:-  Ala-ud-din Khilji described himself as the Second Alexander on his own. He dreamt of founding a worldwide empire, which is depicted in his era’s coinage.

152.  The largest standing army of the Sultanate, directly paid by the State, was created by

A.  Iltutmish
B.  Alauddin Khalji
C.  Muhammad bin Tughluq
D.  Sikander Lodi

Correct Answer:-B ( Alauddin Khalji )
Description:-  Indian Army under Delhi Sultanate was heavily influenced by the foreign invasions. It was on the basis of such military strength that Alauddin Khalji twice repelled the Mongols successfully. His military success was because of the creation of a large standing army directly recruited and paid by the state. He revoked all grants made by previous sultans, introduced price control covering almost the entire market and rationed the grain.

153.  Who among the following Rajput kings defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time ?

A.  Prithviraj III
B.  Baghel Bhim
C.  Jaichandra
D.  Kumar Pal

Correct Answer:-B ( Baghel Bhim )
Description:-  The battle of Kayadara, Gujarat (1178) was a defeat suffered by Muhammad of Ghor during his first campaign against a Indian ruler in India. Gujarat was ruled by the young Indian ruler Bhimdev Solanki II (ruled 1178–1241), although the age of the Raja meant that the army was commanded by his mother Naikidevi. Muhammad’s army had suffered greatly during the march across the desert, and Naikidevi inflicted a major defeat on him at the village of Kayadara (near to Mount Abu, about forty miles to the north-east of Anhilwara).

154.  Where is the Bada Imambara located?

A.  Agra
B.  Lucknow
C.  Patna
D.  Allahabad

Correct Answer:-B ( Lucknow )
Description:-  Bara Imambara is an imambara complex in Lucknow, India, built by Asaf-ud-Daulah, Nawab of Lucknow, in 1784. It is also called the Asafi Imambara.

155.  What was the age of Akbar at the time of his coronation at Kalanaur ?

A.  Thirteen
B.  Fifteen
C.  Eighteen
D.  Twenty

Correct Answer:-A ( Thirteen )
Description:-  On January 24, 1556, Mughal ruler Humayun died and was succeeded by his son, Akbar who was only thirteen years old. On February 14, 1556, in a garden at Kalanaur in Punjab, Akbar was enthroned as the Emperor. At the time of his accession to the throne, Mughal rule was confined to Kabul, Kandahar, parts of Punjab and Delhi.

156.  Bahadur Shah was the

A.  last ruler of the Lodis
B.  successor of Shar Shah Suri
C.  last Mughal ruler
D.  successor of the Maratha ruler Shivaji

Correct Answer:-C ( last Mughal ruler )
Description:-  Bahadur Shah Zafar was the last Mughal Emperor who was deposed from the throne by the British on account of his being the leader of the 1857 Revolt and deported to Rangoon. This marked the end of the Mughal dynasty in Indian history.

157.  The basic purpose of the formulation Din-i-Ilahi was :

A.  universal brotherhood
B.  universal faith
C.  universal harmony
D.  universal belief

Correct Answer:-B ( universal faith )
Description:-  The Din-e Ilahi (Divine Faith) was a syncretic religious doctrine propounded by the Mughal emperor Akbar in year 1582 A.D., intending to merge the best elements of the religions of his empire, and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects. It had to do purely with one’s faith, beliefs and convictions. It was essentially an ethical system, prohibiting such sins as lust, sensuality, slander, and pride and enjoining the virtues of piety, prudence, abstinence, and kindness.

158.  Who amongst the following was the Last Guru of the Sikhs ?

A.  Guru Arjun Dev
B.  Guru Teg Bahadur
C.  Guru Gobind Singh
D.  Guru Angad Dav

Correct Answer:-C ( Guru Gobind Singh )
Description:-  Guru Gobind Singh was the Tenth of the Eleven Sikh Gurus. He contributed much to Sikhism; notable was his contribution to the continual formalisation of the faith. Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the living Sikh Gurus, initiated the Sikh Khalsa in 1699, passing the Guruship of the Sikhs to the Eleventh and Eternal Guru of the Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib.

159.  Who was the author of Gita Govinda ?

A.  Jayadeva
B.  Kalhana
C.  Kalidasa
D.  Raja Rao

Correct Answer:-A ( Jayadeva )
Description:-  The Gita Govinda is a work composed by the 12thcentury poet, Jayadeva, which describes the relationship between Krishna and the gopis (female cow herders) of Vrindavana, and in particular one gopi named Radha. This work has been of great importance in the development of the bhakti traditions of Hinduism. The first English translation of the Gita Govinda was published by Sir William Jones in 1792, where Kalinga (ancient Orissa) is referred to as the origin of the text.

160.  Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori ?

A.  First Battle of Tarain
B.  Second Battle of Tarain
C.  Battle of Khanwa
D.  First Battle of Panipat

Correct Answer:-B ( Second Battle of Tarain )
Description:-  In 1192, Ghori after returning to his capital Ghazni challenged Prithviraj at the Second Battle of Tarain where the latter was comprehensively beaten. The victory of Mohammad of Ghur was decisive, and laid the foundation of the Sultanate of Delhi.

161.  The Sultans of which dynasty ruled for the longest time?

A.  Khilji dynasty
B.  Tughluq dynasty
C.  Slave dynasty
D.  Lodi dynasty

Correct Answer:-B ( Tughluq dynasty )
Description:-  The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties, Delhi based kingdoms or sultanates, mostly of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin in medieval India. The sultanates ruled from Delhi between 1206 and 1526, when the last was replaced by the Mughal dynasty. The five dynasties were the Mamluk dynasty (1206–90); the Khilji dynasty (1290– 1320); the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414); the Sayyid dynasty (1414–51); and the Afghan Lodi dynasty (1451–1526).

162.  Qutab Minar, as we find at present, was finally re-built by

A.  Balban
B.  Ala-ud-din Khilji
C.  Sikandar Lodi
D.  Firoz Tughluq

Correct Answer:-D ( Firoz Tughluq )
Description:-  During the rule of Firoz Shah, the minar’s two top floors were damaged due to lightning but were repaired by Firoz Shah. In the year 1505, an earthquake struck and it was repaired by Sikandar Lodi. Later on in the year 1794, the minar faced another earthquake and it was Major Smith, an engineer who repaired the affected parts of the minar. He replaced Firoz Shah’s pavilion with his own pavilion at the top. The floors built by Firoz Shah can be distinguished easily as the pavilions was built of white marbles and are quite smooth as compared to other ones.

163.  What was the official language of the Sultanate ?

A.  Persian
B.  Urdu
C.  Arabic
D.  Hindi

Correct Answer:-A ( Persian )
Description:-  Persian was the official language during the period of the Delhi Sultanate. The rise of Persian speaking people to the throne naturally resulted in the spread of the Persian language in India.

164.  What is meant by a ‘pir’ in the Sufi tradition?

A.  The Supreme God
B.  The Guru of the Sufis
C.  The greatest of all Sufi saints
D.  The orthodox teacher who contests the Sufi beliefs

Correct Answer:-B ( The Guru of the Sufis )
Description:-  Pir is a title for a Sufi master equally used in the nath tradition. They are also referred to as a Hazrat or Shaikh, which is Arabic for Old Man. The title is often translated into English as ‘saint’ and could be interpreted as ‘Elder’. In Sufism a Pir’s role is to guide and instruct his disciples on the Sufi path. This is often done by general lessons (called Suhbas) and individual guidance.

165.  Khalsa Panth was created by Guru Gobind Singh in which year ?

A.  1599
B.  1707
C.  1699
D.  1657

Correct Answer:-C ( 1699)
Description:-  Khalsa is the collective body of Singhs and Kaurs represented by the five beloved-ones and is the final temporal Guru/leader of the Sikhs. The Khalsa was inaugurated on March 30, 1699, by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. The leadership was passed on by Guru Gobind Singh to the Khalsa and bestowed the title ‘Guru Panth’ or ‘Guru.’

166.  In which of the following towns is ‘Moti Masjid’ situated ?

A.  Agra
B.  Jaipur
C.  Lahore
D.  Ahmedabad

Correct Answer:-A ( Agra )
Description:-  The Moti Masjid in Agra was built by Shah Jahan. It earned the epithet Pearl Mosque for it shined like a pearl. It is held that this mosque was constructed by Shah Jahan for his members of royal court.

167.  Iltutmish established a centre of learning at :

A.  Multan
B.  Kolkata
C.  Alwar
D.  Patna

Correct Answer:-D ( Patna )
Description:-  During the reign of Iltutmish, Delhi gradually became the greatest centre of learning and culture in the East. He established a famous seat of learning at Azimabad in Patna.

168.  Which of the following pairs is incorrect ?

A.  Babar vs. Sangram Singh
B.  Sher Shah vs. Humayun
C.  Chengiz Khan vs. Alauddin Khilji
D.  Akbar vs. Hemu

Correct Answer:-C ( Chengiz Khan vs. Alauddin Khilji )
Description:-  Chengiz Khan was the founder and Great Khan (emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his demise. His period of reign was 1206 A.D-1227 A.D. Iltutmish was his contemporary and he had to face his frequent incursions.

169.  Mohammad-bin- Tughlaq was a failure 7 because

A.  He was mad.
B.  He was not a practical statesman.
C.  He transferred the capital city.
D.  He waged war with China.

Correct Answer:-B ( He was not a practical statesman. )
Description:-  Mohammad-bin- Tughlaq was a highly experimentative ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. Though sincere in his approach, he lacked far-sightedness required for administration. His plans were farfetched from realities and he was not a practical ruler.

170.  Find out the correct match of the following :

A.  Asaf Khan — Akbar
B.  Adam Khan — Akbar
C.  Bairam Khan — Akbar
D.  Shaista Khan — Akbar

Correct Answer:-C ( Bairam Khan — Akbar )
Description:-  Bairam Khan was an important military commander, general of the Mughal army, a powerful statesman and regent at the court of the Mughal emperors Humayun and Akbar. As Akbar’s regent, he consolidated Mughal authority in northern India and most notably led Mughal forces at the Second Battle of Panipat, which was fought between Akbar and the Hindu king Hemu in 1556.

171.  Which one of the following are correctly matched? Persons Events a. Sultan Sack of Mahmud Somnath b. Mohammad Conquest of Ghori Sind c. Alauddin Revolt in Khilji Bengal d. Mohammad Chengiz Bin Tughlaq Khan’s invasion

A.  a and c
B.  b only
C.  a only
D.  b and d

Correct Answer:-C ( a only )
Description:-  Mahmud of Ghazni sacked the Somnath temple in 1024 AD and is reported to have personally hammered the temple’s gilded Lingam to pieces and the stone fragments were carted back to Ghazni, where they were incorporated into the steps of the city’s new Jama Masjid (Friday Mosque) in 1026. The temple and citadel were sacked, and most of its defenders massacred.

172.  Which one of the following battles led to the foundation of the Mughal rule at Delhi ?

A.  Third Battle of Panipat
B.  Second Battle of Panipat
C.  Battle of Haldighati
D.  First Battle of Panipat

Correct Answer:-D ( First Battle of Panipat )
Description:-  The First Battle of Panipat (1526) was fought between the invading forces of Babur and the Lodi Empire, which took place on 21 April 1526 in North India. It marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire. This was one of the earliest battles involving gunpowder firearms and field artillery.

173.  The only Hindu Courtier of Akbar who accepted Din-i-Ilahi was:

A.  Todermal
B.  Birbal
C.  Tansen
D.  Man Singh

Correct Answer:-B ( Birbal )
Description:-  Birbal was the (Wazir-e Azam) of the Mughal court in the administration of the Mughal emperor Akbar. He was one of his most trusted members along with being a part of Akbar’s inner council of nine advisors, known as the navaratna, a Sanskrit word meaning nine jewels. Birbal was one of only a few persons other than Akbar that were Din-i-Ilahi believers.

174.  Which of the following Mughal emperors is credited with composition of Hindi songs ?

A.  Babar
B.  Akbar
C.  Jahangir
D.  Shahjehan

Correct Answer:-C ( Jahangir )
Description:-  Mughal emperor Jahangir, too, like his father Akbar, evinced keen interest in music and composed many songs in Hindi that were sufficiently melodious. Muhammad Salih and his brothers were famous singers of Hindi songs in his reign.

175.  The Akaal Takht was built by

A.  Guru Ramdas
B.  Guru Teg Bahadur
C.  Guru Hargovind
D.  Guru Nanak

Correct Answer:-C ( Guru Hargovind )
Description:-  The Akaal Takht is the highest seat of temporal authority of the Khalsa and an important symbol of Sikhism. The Akal Takht is located in the Harmandir Sahib complex in Amritsar, Punjab. It was built by the Guru Hargobind Sahib.

176.  Who was the regent of Akbar in his early days ?

A.  Abul Fazl
B.  Bairam Khan
C.  Tansen
D.  Todarmal

Correct Answer:-B ( Bairam Khan )
Description:-  Bairam Khan was an important military commander, general of the Mughal army, a powerful statesman and regent at the court of the Mughal emperors Humayun and Akbar.

177.  Before assuming the office of the Sultan of Delhi Balban was the Prime Minister of Sultan

A.  Nasir-ud-din
B.  Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
C.  Bahram Shah
D.  Aram Shah

Correct Answer:-A ( Nasir-ud-din )
Description:-  Balban was initially the Prime Minister of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud from 1246 to 1266 and married his daughter. Since Sultan Nasiruddin did not have male heir, after his death, Balban declared himself the Sultan of Delhi. Balban ascended the throne in 1266.

178.  Humayun had to run away from India after he was defeated in the battle of

A.  Panipat
B.  Gogra
C.  Khanwa
D.  Kannauj

Correct Answer:-D ( Kannauj )
Description:-  Sher Shah defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kannauj (Chausa) in 1540 and established the rule of Suri Dynasty (1540-1555).

179.  Krishnadevaraya built the Krishnaswami temple in Hampi, which is situated in the present state of:

A.  Karnataka
B.  Calcutta
C.  Jammu and Kashmir
D.  Kerala

Correct Answer:-A ( Karnataka )
Description:-  Hampi is in Karnataka. Hampi has been declared as World Heritage Site.

180.  Who among the following was the last Delhi Sultan ?

A.  Sikandar Lodi
B.  Daulat Khan Lodi
C.  Rana Sanga
D.  Ibrahim Lodi

Correct Answer:-D ( Ibrahim Lodi )
Description:-  Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526) in the first Battle of Panipat and established the rule of Mughals.


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