Union Executive and Legislative Gk Questions


61.  No Government Expenditure can be incurred in India except with the sanction of

A.  the Parliament
B.  the Prime Minister
C.  the President
D.  the Supreme Court

Correct Answer:-A ( the Parliament )
Description:-  Legislative prerogative over taxation, legislative control over expenditure and executive initiative in financial matters are some of the fundamental principles of the system of Parliamentary financial control. There are specific provisions in the Constitution of India incorporating these tenets. For example, article 265 provides that ‘no tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law’; no expenditure can be incurred except with the authorisation of the Legislature (article 266); and President shall, in respect of every financial year, cause to be laid before Parliament, Annual Financial Statement (article 112).

62.  The majority of the provi-sions of the Indian Constitution can be amended

A.  by the State Legislatures acting together
B.  by the Parliament alone
C.  with the joint approval of the Parl iament and State Legislatures
D.  only on ratification by half of the States

Correct Answer:-B ( by the Parliament alone )
Description:-  Most of the constitution can be amended after a quorum of more than half of the members of each house in Parliament passes an amendment with a two-thirds majority vote.

63.  In our Constitution, Economic Planning is included in

A.  Union list
B.  State list
C.  Concurrent list
D.  Not any specified list

Correct Answer:-C ( Concurrent list )
Description:-  Part XI of the Indian constitution defines the power distribution between the federal government (the Centre) and the States in India. Concurrent list consists of 52 items (previously 47 items). Uniformity is desirable but not essential on items in this list: Marriage and divorce, transfer of property other than agricultural land, education, contracts, bankruptcy and insolvency, trustees and trusts, civil procedure, contempt of court, adulteration of foodstuffs, drugs and poisons, economic and social planning, trade unions, labour welfare, electricity, newspapers, books and printing press, stamp duties.

64.  A candidate, to become a member of the Rajya Sabha, should not be less than

A.  21 years of age
B.  25 years of age
C.  30 years of age
D.  32 years of age

Correct Answer:-C ( 30 years of age )
Description:-  A person to be qualified for the membership of the Rajya Sabha should posses the following qualifications: he must be a citizen of India and make and subscribe before some person authorized in that behalf by the Election Commission an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule to the Constitution; he must be not less than 30 years of age; and he must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made by Parliament.

65.  The Union Parliament consists of

A.  The President of India
B.  The Council of States (Rajya Sabha)
C.  The House of the People (Lok Sabha)
D.  All of the above

Correct Answer:-D ( All of the above )
Description:-  The Parliament of India is the supreme legislative body in India. Founded in 1919, the Parliament alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate power over all political bodies in India. The Parliament comprises the President of India and the two Houses—Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States). The President has the power to summon and prorogue either House of Parliament or to dissolve Lok Sabha.

66.  The maximum strength of the elected members of the House of the People (Lok Sabha) is

A.  530
B.  545
C.  540
D.  550

Correct Answer:-B ( 545)
Description:-  The Constitution limits the Lok Sabha to a maximum of 552 members, including no more than 20 members representing people from the Union Territories, and two appointed non-partisan members to represent the Anglo-Indian community (if the President feels that the community is not adequately represented). At present, the strength of the house is 545 members.

67.  How many readings does a nonmoney bill have in each House of the Parliament?

A.  Two
B.  Three
C.  Four
D.  One

Correct Answer:-B ( Three )
Description:-  A Bill has to pass through three stages known as the first reading, second reading and third reading, in each House of Parliament and receive the assent of the President before it becomes an Act of Parliament. A Bill shall not be deemed to have been passed by Parliament, unless it has been agreed to by both Houses, either without amendment or with amendments agreed to by both Houses.

68.  By which Bill does the Government propose collection of revenues for a year?

A.  Economic Bill
B.  Finance Bill
C.  Supplementary Bill
D.  None of the above

Correct Answer:-B ( Finance Bill )
Description:-  Finance Bill means a Bill ordinarily introduced every year to give effect to the financial proposals of the Government of India for the next following financial year and includes a Bill to give effect to supplementary financial proposals for any period. The Finance Bill is introduced immediately after the presentation of the Budget. The introduction of the Bill cannot be opposed.

69.  The Indian Parl iament is competent to enact law on a State subject if

A.  emergency under Article 352 is in operation
B.  all the state Assemblies of the country make such a request
C.  the President sends such a message to Parliament
D.  None of these

Correct Answer:-A ( emergency under Article 352 is in operation )
Description:-  When National emergency 7under article 352 is in force, the Parliament can make laws on the 66 subjects of the State List (which contains subjects on which the state governments can make laws). Also, all money bills are referred to the Parliament for its approval.

70.  The President of India enjoys emergency powers of

A.  four types
B.  two types
C.  five types
D.  three types

Correct Answer:-D ( three types )
Description:-  A state of emergency in India refers to a period of governance under an altered constitutional setup that can be proclaimed by the President of India, when he/she perceives grave threats to the nation from internal and external sources or from financial situations of crisis. The President can declare three types of emergencies: National emergency (caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion in the whole of India or a part of its territory), State emergency (declared on failure of constitutional machinery in a state) and Financial emergency (if the President is satisfied that there is an economic situation in which the financial stability or credit of India is threatened).

71.  The interval between two sessions of either House of Parliament should not exceed

A.  three months
B.  six months
C.  nine months
D.  twelve months

Correct Answer:-B ( six months )
Description:-  The Constitution empowers the President to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than 6 month’s gap between the two sessions.

72.  The Vice President of India is elected by

A.  the members of the Parliament
B.  the members of the Rajya Sabha
C.  the elected members of the Parliament
D.  the members of the Parl iament and State Legislatures

Correct Answer:-C ( the elected members of the Parliament )
Description:-  The Vice President is elected indirectly, by an electoral college consisting of members of both houses of the Parliament. The election of the Vice President is slightly different from the election of the President—the members of state legislatures are not part of the Electoral College for Vice Presidential election.

73.  A Bill referred to a ‘Joint Sitting’ of the two Houses of the Parliament is required to be passed by

A.  a simple majority of the members present
B.  absolute majority of the total membership
C.  rd majority of the members present
D.  th majority of the members present

Correct Answer:-A ( a simple majority of the members present )
Description:-  In matters pertaining to non-financial (ordinary) bills, after the bill has been passed by the House where it was originally tabled (Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha), it is sent to the other house, where it may be kept for a maximum period of 6 months. If the other House rejects the bill or a period of 6 months elapses without any action by that House, or the House that originally tabled the bill does not accept the recommendations made by the members of the other house, it results in a deadlock. This is resolved by a joint session of both Houses, presided over by the speaker of the Lok Sabha and decided by a simple majority.

74.  Who is the constitutional head of the Government of India ?

A.  President
B.  Prime Minister
C.  Chief Justice of India
D.  Attorney General

Correct Answer:-A ( President )
Description:-  The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India, the largest democracy in the world. The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India and is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces.

75.  Who certifies a Bill to be a Money Bill in India ?

A.  Finance Minister
B.  President
C.  Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D.  Prime Minister

Correct Answer:-C ( Speaker of the Lok Sabha )
Description:-  The Speaker of the Lok Sabha conducts the business in the house. He/she decides whether a bill is a money bill or a non money bill.

76.  The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after

A.  every five years
B.  every six years
C.  on the advice of the Prime Minister
D.  None of the above

Correct Answer:-D ( None of the above )
Description:-  The Rajya Sabha is also known as “Council of States” or the upper house. Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retires every second year, and is replaced by newly elected members.

77.  In case the President wishes to resign, to whom he is to address his resignation letter ?

A.  Chief Justice of India
B.  Secretary of Lok Sabha
C.  Vice-President
D.  Prime Minister

Correct Answer:-C ( Vice-President )
Description:-  Article 56 of the Indian Constitution states that (a) the President shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office: provided that-the President may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice-President, resign his office; the President may, for violation of the Constitution, be removed from office by impeachment in the manner provided in article 61; and the President shall, notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold office until his successor enters upon his office; (b) any resignation addressed to the Vice-President under clause (a) of the proviso to clause (1) shall forthwith be communicated by him to the Speaker of the House of the People.

78.  Which of the following are Financial Committee of Parliament in India ? (I) Public Accounts Committee (II) Estimates Committee (III) Committee on Public Undertakings

A.  I & III
B.  I & II
C.  II & III
D.  I, II & III

Correct Answer:-D ( I, II & III )
Description:-  The main function of the Committee on Estimates is to report what economies, improvements in organisation, efficiency, or administrative reform, consistent with the policy underlying the estimates may be effected and to suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in administration. The Committee on Public Undertakings consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 7 members of Rajya Sabha are associated with it. The main duty of the Committee on Public Accounts is to ascertain whether the money granted by Parliament has been spent by Government “within the scope of the Demand”.

79.  The ‘Speaker’s vote’ in the Lok Sabha is called

A.  casting vote
B.  sound vote
C.  direct vote
D.  indirect vote

Correct Answer:-A ( casting vote )
Description:-  Normally, the Speaker does not take part in voting in the House. But in case of a tie, he exercises his right of casting vote. His casting vote would decide the issue. In such a case his vote would normally go in favour of the party to which he belongs. Further, when a resolution for the removal of the Speaker is put to vote in the House, he has the right to cast his vote.

80.  The Council of Ministers does not include

A.  Cabinet Ministers
B.  Ministers of State
C.  Cabinet Secretary
D.  Ministers without Portfolio

Correct Answer:-C ( Cabinet Secretary )
Description:-  All Cabinet members are mandated by the constitution to be members of either House of the Parliament of India. In a departure from the norm the current Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, is a member of the upper house, the Rajya Sabha. There are three categories of ministers, in descending order of rank: Union Cabinet Minister – senior minister incharge of a ministry; Minister of State (Independent Charges) – with no overseeing Union cabinet minister for that portfolio; and Minister of State (MoS) – junior minister with to overseeing cabinet minister, usually tasked with a specific responsibility in that ministry.

81.  Although Union List, State List and Concurrent List cover the entire legislative business, yet there may be an item not mentioned anywhere. Who will legislate on that item ?

A.  Parliament only
B.  State Legislature only
C.  Both 1 and 2
D.  Neither 1 or 2

Correct Answer:-A ( Parliament only )
Description:-  The constitution vests the residuary power, i.e., the power to legislate with respect to any matter not enumerated in any one of the three lists in the union legislatures (Act. 248). It has been left to the courts to determine finally as to whether a particular matter falls under the residuary, power or not. It may be noted, however, that since the three lists attempt an exhaustive enumeration of all possible subjects of legislation, and courts generally have interpreted the sphere of the powers to be enumerated in a liberal way.

82.  The most important feature of the Indian Parliament is that

A.  it is the Union Legislature in India
B.  it also comprises the President
C.  it is bicameral in nature
D.  the Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved

Correct Answer:-D ( the Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved )
Description:-  Although all the four options form the distinctive features of the Indian Parliament, the most important feature is that its upper house (Rajya Sabha) is permanent. It doesn’t get dissolved unlike the Lok Sabha.

83.  How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post ?

A.  Once
B.  2 times
C.  3 times
D.  Any number of times

Correct Answer:-D ( Any number of times )
Description:-  The President of India can opt for re-election as many times as he wishes. Rajendra Prasad was the only president to have been elected twice for the office. There is neither any bar on re-election in the Indian Constitution, nor does it mention the number of times the same person can be elected to the top most office in India. Historically, ruling party (majority in the Lok Sabha) nominees have been elected and run largely uncontested. Incumbents are permitted to stand for re-election, but unlike the president of the United States, who can be elected just twice, incumbents can be elected for any number of terms.

84.  Which of the following appointments is not made by the President of India ?

A.  Speaker of the Lok Sabha
B.  Chief Justice of India
C.  Chief of Air Staff
D.  Chief of Army

Correct Answer:-A ( Speaker of the Lok Sabha )
Description:-  The Speaker is the presiding officer of the lower house of Parliament of India. The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha after the general elections for a term of 5 years from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha. He/she is supposed to resign from his/her original party because as a speaker, he/she has to remain impartial.

85.  The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has recently raised the emoluments of the President, the Vice-President and the Governors. The emolument payable to the President, has been raised to

A.  Rs. 1.00 lakh from Rs. 50,000 per month
B.  Rs. 1.50 lakh from Rs. 50,000 per month
C.  Rs. 1.75 lakh from Rs. 75,000 per month
D.  Rs. 2.00 lakh from Rs. 1.00 lakh per month

Correct Answer:-B ( Rs. 1.50 lakh from Rs. 50,000 per month )
Description:-  Emoluments of the President, the Vice President and Governors were raised by 300 per cent in 2008. The President’s emoluments were raised to Rs 1.50 lakh per month from Rs 50,000. Similarly, the Vice President will get Rs 1.25 lakh — a more than threetime hike from the present salary of Rs 40,000. The salary of governors will also go up from Rs 36,000 to Rs 1.10 lakh. The new emoluments were approved at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The CCEA also rationalized post-retirement benefits to former Presidents, former Vice Presidents and their spouses.

86.  What is the tenure of the Prime Minister of India?

A.  Conterminous with the tenure of the Lok Sabha
B.  Conterminous with the tenure of the President
C.  As long as he enjoys the support of a majority in the Lok Sabha
D.  Five years

Correct Answer:-C ( As long as he enjoys the support of a majority in the Lok Sabha )
Description:-  With India following a parliamentary system of government the Prime Minister is generally the leader of a party (or coalition of parties) that has a majority in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. He remains in office till he enjoys the confidence of the House.

87.  Which of the follwong is true regarding ‘No Confidence Motion’ in the Parliament ? (a) There is no mention of it in the Constitution (b) A period of six months must lapse between the introduction of one ‘No Confidence Motion’ and another. (c) Atleast 100 persons must support such a motion before it is inroduced in the House. (d) It can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only.

A.  b and d
B.  a, b, c and d
C.  a, b and c
D.  a and d

Correct Answer:-D ( a and d )
Description:-  Unlike censure motion, a no-confidence motion does not require any specific ground. Once admitted in the House, it takes precedence over all the pending business of the House. No conditions of admissibility of a motion of no-confidence are laid down in the Rules, except that once a decision, after discussion, is taken by the House on such a motion, no motion raising an identical matter can be moved in the same session. In view of the express constitutional provision regarding collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers to the Lok Sabha, a motion expressing want of confidence in an individual Minister is out of order; under the Rules, only a motion expressing want of confidence in the Council of Ministers as a body is admissible.

88.  Who held the office of the Vice- President of India for two consecutive terms ?

A.  Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
B.  Mr. R. Venkataraman
C.  Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
D.  Mr. V.V. Giri

Correct Answer:-A ( Dr. S. Radhakrishnan )
Description:-  Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the Vice President of India from 13 May, 1952 to 12 May, 1962. He was the second President of India from 1962 to 1967.

89.  When there is a vacancy in the office of the President and the Vice President at the same time, the office is held temporarily by

A.  a person nominated by both the Houses of Parliament
B.  the Speaker of Lok Sabha
C.  the Deputy Chairman of Rajaya Sabha
D.  the Chief Justice of India

Correct Answer:-D ( the Chief Justice of India )
Description:-  The Parliament enacted the “President (Discharge of Functions) Act, 1969” which provides that, in the event of occurrence of vacancy in the office of both the President and the Vice-President, the Chief Justice of India, or in his absence, the seniormost judge of the Supreme Court available shall discharge the functions until a new President is elected.

90.  The Parliamentary Committee which scrutinises the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is

A.  Estimates Committee
B.  Select Committee
C.  Public Accounts Committee
D.  None of these

Correct Answer:-C ( Public Accounts Committee )
Description:-  The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a committee of selected members of Parliament, constituted by the Parliament of India, for the auditing of the expenditure of the Government of India. Its chief function is to examine the audit report of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) after it is laid in the Parliament. CAG assists the committee during the course of investigation. None of the 22 members shall be a minister in the government.

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