91. The Prime Minister of India is
Correct Answer:-B ( Appointed )
Description:- The Prime Minister is appointed by the President to assist the latter in the administration of the affairs of the executive. The Constitution envisages a scheme of affairs in which the President of India is the head of the executive in terms of Article 53 with office of the Prime Minister as heading the Council of Ministers to assist and advise the President in the discharge of the executive power.
92. Which is not an All India Service ?
Correct Answer:-C ( Indian Foreign Service )
Description:- The All India Services are the three all India Civil Services of India, namely the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Police Service (IPS) & the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The officers of the All India Services are recruited and trained by the federal Union Government (“the Centre”) and serve in the various State Governments (“the States”) as well as Centre (which is why the Indian Revenue Service is a “central service” instead of an All India Service as they work only in the Central Government).
93. The Speaker of the Lok-Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to
Correct Answer:-C ( Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha )
Description:- The Speaker may, at any time, resign from office by writing under her hand to the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker can be removed from office only on a resolution of the House passed by a majority of all the then members of the House. Such a resolution has to satisfy some conditions like: it should be specific with respect to the charges and it should not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions, imputations or defamatory statements, etc. Not only these, discussions should be confined to charges referred to in the resolution.
94. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force
Correct Answer:-B ( For six months )
Description:- The Indian constitution under Article 123 gives special legislative powers to President of India for promulgating ordinance under certain circumstances. If a legislation is warranted at a time when the legislature is not in session, the President on the request of the executive can issue an ordinance having the force and effect of an Act. However every such ordinance must be laid before both the Houses of Parliament and shall cease to operate, on the expiry of six weeks from the date of is reassembly, unless approved by the Parliament. The ordinance also becomes in operative if before the expiry of six weeks a resolution is passed by Parliament against it. The ordinance remains in force for 6 months.
95. How many members of the Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India to the Parliament ?
Correct Answer:-B ( 2)
Description:- The Constitution provides that the maximum strength of the House be 552 members. Up to 525 members represent of the territorial constituencies in States, up to 20 members represent the Union Territories and no more than two members from Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India if he or she feels that the community is not adequately represented. House seats are apportioned among the states by population in such a manner that the ratio between that number and the population of the State is, so far as practicable, the same for all States.
96. Who can initiate impeachment of the President ?
Correct Answer:-A ( 1/4th members of either House of Parliament )
Description:- The President may be removed before the expiry of the term through impeachment. A President can be removed for violation of the Constitution of India. The process may start in either of the two houses of the Parliament. The house initiates the process by levelling the charges against the President. The charges are contained in a notice that has to be signed by at least one quarter of the total members of that house. The notice is sent up to the President and 14 days later, it is taken up for consideration. A resolution to impeach the President has to be passed by a special majority (two-third majority of the total members present and voting and simple majority of total membership of the originating house). It is then sent to the other house. The other house investigates the charges that have been made
97. What can the President do if a State fails to comply with the Directives of the Central Government ?
Correct Answer:-B ( He can declare the breakdown of constitu-tional machinery in the State and assume responsibility for the governance of the State )
Description:- If the President is satisfied, on the basis of the report of the Governor of the concerned state or from other sources that the governance in a state cannot be carried out according to the provisions in the Constitution, he/she can declare a state of emergency in the state. Such an emergency must be approved by the Parliament within a period of 2 months. Under Article 356 of the Indian Constitution, it can be imposed from six months to a maximum period of three years with repeated parliamentary approval every six months.
98. The declaration of Constitutional Emergency in an Indian State has to be approved by the Parliament within a period of
Correct Answer:-A ( 2 months )
Description:- If the President is satisfied, on the basis of the report of the Governor of the concerned state or from other sources that the governance in a state cannot be carried out according to the provisions in the Constitution, he/she can declare a state of emergency in the state. Such an emergency must be approved by the Parliament within a period of 2 months.
99. The number of subjects in the Union List of the Indian Constitution is
Correct Answer:-C ( 97)
Description:- 97 subjects are defined and enlisted under the List- I of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, which form the exclusive domain of the Central Government of the Union of India excluding all the states and the union territories.
100. How many members of the Rajya Sabha retire from the house every 2 years ?
Correct Answer:-B ( 1/3 of the total members )
Description:- The Rajya Sabha is also known as “Council of States” or the upper house. Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retire every second year, and are replaced by newly elected members.
101. Evaluate the following statements : (a) The President of India can be impeached by the Indian Parliament. (b) The President of India can be removed by the Indian Parliament only with the approval of the Chief Justice of India.
Correct Answer:-A ( a is correct but b is not correct )
Description:- The process may start in either of the two houses of the Parliament. A resolution to impeach the President has to be passed by a special majority (twothird majority of the total members present and voting and simple majority of total membership of the originating house). It is then sent to the other house. The other house investigates the charges that have been made. During this process, the President has the right to defend oneself through an authorised counsel. If the second house also approves the charges made by special majority again, the President stands impeached and is deemed to have vacated his/her office from the date when such a resolution stands passed.
102. How many times was the term of the Lok Sabha extended upto 6 years ?
Correct Answer:-A ( Once )
Description:- The first sitting of the Fifth Lok Sabha was held on 19 March, 1971. The term of the Fifth Lok Sabha, which was to expire on 18 March, 1976, was extended by one year, i.e., up to 18 March, 1977 by the House of the People (Extension of Duration) Amendment Act, 1976. However, the House was dissolved on 18 January, 1977 after having been in existence for a period of five years, ten months and six days. The Sixth Lok Sabha met for the first time on 25 March 1977 after the Sixth General Election. The normal term of the Lok Sabha was restored to five years under the Constitution (Forty fourth Amendment) Act, 1978.
103. Among the tax revenues of the Union Government, the most important source is
Correct Answer:-D ( Union Excise Duties )
Description:- Central excise revenue is the biggest single source of revenue for the Government of India. The Union Government tries to achieve different socio-economic objectives by making suitable adjustments in the scope and quantum of levy of Central Excise duty. Article 265 of the Constitution of India has laid down that both levy and collection of taxes shall be under the authority of law. The excise duty is levied in pursuance of Entry 45 of the Central List in Government of India Act,1935 as adopted by entry 84 of List I of the seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India.
104. What is the maximum strength prescribed for State Legislative Assemblies?
Correct Answer:-C ( 500)
Description:- Its maximum size as outlined in the Constitution of India is not more than 500 members and not less than 60. However, the size of the Vidhan Sabha can be less than 60 members through an Act of Parliament, such is the case in the states of Goa, Sikkim and Mizoram.
105. If the Anglo-Indian community does not get adequate representation in the Lok Sabha, two members of the community can be nominated by the
Correct Answer:-B ( President )
Description:- The Constitution limits the Lok Sabha to a maximum of 552 members, including no more than 20 members representing people from the Union Territories, and two appointed non-partisan members to represent the Anglo-Indian community (if the President feels that the community is not adequately represented).
106. For the election of President of India, a citizen should have completed the age of
Correct Answer:-C ( 35 years )
Description:- Article 58 of the Constitution sets the principle qualifications one must meet to be eligible to the office of the President. A President must be: a citizen of India; of 35 years of age or above; and qualified to become a member of the Lok Sabha.
107. A member of Parliament will lose his membership of Parliament if he is continuously absent from Sessions for
Correct Answer:-B ( 60 days )
Description:- The Constitution provides that if for a period of sixty days a member of either House of Parliament is without permission of the House absent from all meetings thereof, the House may declare his seat vacant. In computing the said period of sixty days, however, no account is taken of any period during which the House is prorogued or is adjourned for more than four consecutive days. The period of sixty days referred to in the Constitution means a single unbroken period of sixty days and for invoking the provision of the Constitution, the absence has to be continuous.
108. In India, the Residuary Powers are vested with
Correct Answer:-A ( Union Government )
Description:- The constitution vests the residuary power, i.e., the power to legislate with respect to any matter not enumerated in any one of the three lists in the union legislatures (Act. 248). It has been left to the courts to determine finally as to whether a particular matter falls under the residuary, power or not.
109. Which innovative discussion process is introduced by the Indian parliament to the World Parliamentary systems?
Correct Answer:-B ( Zero hour )
Description:- Zero Hour is the Indian innovation in the field of parliamentary procedures and has been in existence since 1962. It is called so because it begins at 12.00 noon. However, it does not mention in the rules of procedure. During zero hour, questions are asked about issues of public importance without prior permission.
110. Indian Parliament Means
Correct Answer:-C ( President of India – Rajya Sabha – Lok Sabha )
Description:- The Parliament comprises the President of India and the two Houses—Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
111. Which one of the following is the popularly elected House of the Indian Parliament?
Correct Answer:-B ( Lok Sabha )
Description:- Lok Sabha is also known as the “House of the People” or the lower house. All of its members are directly elected by citizens of India on the basis of Universal Adult franchise, except two who are appointed by the President of India. Every citizen of India who is over 18 years of age, irrespective of gender, caste, religion or race, who is otherwise not disqualified, is eligible to vote for the lok sabha.
112. Which one of the following methods is used to ascertain the public opinion on important legislation ?
Correct Answer:-A ( Initiative )
Description:- In political science, an initiative (also known as a popular or citizens’ initiative) is a means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote (plebiscite). The vote may be on a proposed statute, constitutional amendment, charter amendment or ordinance, or, in its minimal form, to simply oblige the executive or legislative bodies to consider the subject by submitting it to the order of the day. It is a form of direct democracy.
113. The final authority to interpret our Constitution is the
Correct Answer:-D ( Superme Court )
Description:- The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial forum and final court of appeal as established by Part V, Chapter IV of the Constitution of India. According to the Constitution of India, the role of the Supreme Court is that of a federal court and guardian of the Constitution. Similar to the arrangement existent in USA, the Supreme Court is the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution of India and all statutes and regulations created pursuant to it
114. The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of :
Correct Answer:-C ( Jammu & Kashmir )
Description:- Article 370 of the Indian constitution grants special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir. As per Article 370 of the Constitution of India, notwithstanding anything in this Constitution: the power of Parliament to make laws for the said State shall be limited to those matters in the Union List and the Concurrent List which, in consultation with the Government of the State, are declared by the President to correspond to matters specified in the Instrument of Accession governing the accession of the State to the Dominion of India as the matters with respect to which the Dominion Legislature may make laws for that State; and such other matters in the said Lists, as, with the concurrence of the Government of the State, the President may by order specify. This article specifies that except for Defence, Foreign Affairs, Finance and Communications, (matters specified in the instrument of accession) the Indian Parliament needs the State Government’s concurrence for applying all other laws. Thus the state’s residents lived under a separate set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights, as compared to other Indians.
115. One of the following is a part of executive. Find out-
Correct Answer:-D ( Sub-Inspector of Police )
Description:- The executive arm/tier is the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state. The executive branch executes the law. By this yardstick, the Sub-Inspector of Police is part of the executive as he has to deal with law and order on a day-to-day basis.
116. The voting age in India was lowered from 21 year to 18 years through
Correct Answer:-B ( Constitutional Amendment. )
Description:- The minimum age of voting in India was lowered from 21 to 18 years by the 61st Amendment Act in 1988 read with Act 21 of 1989.
117. Indian Constitution has divided the powers and function of the state into
Correct Answer:-B ( three lists )
Description:- There are three lists detailing the powers, functions and sharing of these among the Union and the States in India. The List I or the Union List, List II or the State List and List III or the Concurrent List are included in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
118. The president of India can nominate how many members from the Anglo-Indian community to the Lok Sabha?
Correct Answer:-A ( Two )
Description:- Up to 525 members represent of the territorial constituencies in States, up to 20 members represent the Union Territories and no more than two members from Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India if he or she feels that the community is not adequately represented.
119. A joint sitting of the two Houses of Indian Parliament is presided over by the
Correct Answer:-C ( Speaker of the Lok Sabha )
Description:- No bill will be regarded as passed by the Parliament unless both the Houses approve of it. In case of a difference between the two Houses over a non-money bill, the President may call a joint sitting of the Houses to resolve it. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over such sitting.
120. On the subjects mentioned in the concurrent list , laws may be enacted by the
Correct Answer:-A ( States and the Union )
Description:- The Concurrent List contains subjects defined and enlisted under the List – III of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, which form the joint domain of both the State Governments and the Union territories of India as well as the Central Government of India under these subjects.