Union Executive and Legislative Gk Questions


121.  What is the maximum number of starred questions that can be asked in Lok Sabha on a particular day?

A.  15
B.  20
C.  25
D.  Without limit

Correct Answer:-B ( 20)
Description:-  The maximum number of Questions to be placed on the list of Questions for oral answers (Starred Question) on a particular day is 20, while the maximum number of questions to be placed on the list of Un-starred Question is 230. However, the number of Un-starred Questions may exceed by a maximum of 25 Questions pertaining to State/States under President’s Rule.

122.  Rajya Sabha being a permanent house

A.  one-third of its members retire every two years
B.  one-half of its members retire every three years
C.  one-fifth of its members retire every year
D.  one-sixth of its members retire every year

Correct Answer:-A ( one-third of its members retire every two years )
Description:-  The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retire every second year, and are replaced by newly elected members. Each member is elected for a term of six years.

123.  The Joint Session of both the Houses of Parliament is summoned by

A.  Speaker of the Lok Sabha
B.  President
C.  Prime Minister
D.  Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Correct Answer:-B ( President )
Description:-  No bill will be regarded as passed by the Parliament unless both the Houses approve of it. In case of a difference between the two Houses over a non-money bill, the President may call a joint sitting of the Houses to resolve it.

124.  How many members of the Anglo-Indian community may be nominated by the President in the Lok Sabha?

A.  Four
B.  Two
C.  Any number
D.  Only one

Correct Answer:-B ( Two )
Description:-  All of the members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by citizens of India on the basis of Universal Adult franchise, except two who are appointed by the President of India. No more than two members from Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India if he or she feels that the community is not adequately represented.

125.  Who is referred to as the Supreme Commander of Forces in India?

A.  General of the Army
B.  Defence Minister
C.  President
D.  Field Marshal

Correct Answer:-C ( President )
Description:-  The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces. The Indian Armed Forces are under the management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), which is led by the Union Cabinet Minister of Defense.

126.  Which item out of the following is contained in the concurrent list?

A.  Trade Unions
B.  Agriculture
C.  Tolls
D.  Markets and Fairs

Correct Answer:-A ( Trade Unions )
Description:-  The Concurrent List of Indian Constitution comprises subjects defined and enlisted under the List – III of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, which form the joint domain of both the State Governments and the Union territories of India as well as the Central Government of India. Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes come under this list. NOTE : Recently, In a significant but tricky move, Sports Minister Vijay Goel said that a resolution has been passed to transfer sports from the State List of the Indian Constitution to the Concurrent List in a meeting of the National Sports Federations called by the government. The Union ministry for water resources, river development and Ganga rejuvenation also has begun the process to make water a part of the concurrent list, moving it away from being a state subject.

127.  The Residuary powers of the Indian Union are

A.  vested with the Centre
B.  vested with the States
C.  there are no residuary powers
D.  they are distributed between the centre and the states.

Correct Answer:-A ( vested with the Centre )
Description:-  Three subject lists, the Union list, the State list, and the Concurrent list, define the legislative powers of each level of government. All residuary powers are vested with the centre.

128.  The maximum number of nominated members to the Rajya Sabha are

A.  10
B.  12
C.  14
D.  15

Correct Answer:-B ( 12)
Description:-  Rajya Sabha membership is limited to 250 members, 12 of whom are nominated by the President of India for their contributions to art, literature, science, and social services. The remainder of the body is elected by the state and territorial legislatures.

129.  One-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire

A.  every year
B.  every two years
C.  every three years
D.  every four years

Correct Answer:-B ( every two years )
Description:-  The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retire every second year, and are replaced by newly elected members.

130.  The Vice-President of India can be removed by the

A.  President on the advice of Council of Ministers
B.  Lok Sabha with the consent of the President
C.  Rajya Sabha with the concurrence of Lok Sabha
D.  Rajya Sabha with the concurrence of the President

Correct Answer:-C ( Rajya Sabha with the concurrence of Lok Sabha )
Description:-  The Vice President does not have to be formally impeached, unlike the President of India. The Constitution states that the Vice President can be removed by a resolution of the Rajya Sabha passed by an effective majority (more than 50%” of effective membership (total membership-vacancies)) and agreed to by a simple majority (50%” of voting members) of the Lok Sabha (Article 67(b)).

131.  A mid-term poll is conducted when

A.  the Lok Sabha is dissolved before completion of its term
B.  an elected member resigns from his seat
C.  there are discrepancies in voting
D.  all MP’s of a political party resign

Correct Answer:-A ( the Lok Sabha is dissolved before completion of its term )
Description:-  A midterm election refers to a type of staggered election where the members take office at the middle of the term of another set of members, or of the executive. In India, mid-term polls have taken place several times, reflecting the instability at the centre or states. Normally, the pre-mature dissolution of the Lok Sabha or the State Assemblies call for such elections.

132.  A proclamation of emergency caused by war or external aggression must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament within

A.  15 days
B.  1 month
C.  2 months
D.  3 months

Correct Answer:-B ( 1 month )
Description:-  National emergency is caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion in the whole of India or a part of its territory. The President can declare such an emergency only on the basis of a written request by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. Such a proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within one month. Such an emergency can be imposed for six months. It can be extended by six months by repeated parliamentary approval.

133.  Which of the following is not a charged expenditure on the Consolidated Fund of India?

A.  Expenditure on Five year plans
B.  Expenditure on the Chairman and Members of the UPSC
C.  Expenditure on the Judges of the Supreme Court
D.  Debt charges of the Government of India

Correct Answer:-A ( Expenditure on Five year plans )
Description:-  A plan is financed from Balance from Current Revenues (BCR); borrowings including net MCR; Net Flow from Abroad; Gross Budgetary Support for the Plan; Central assistance to States and UTs; Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for Central Plan, Resources of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs); and Resources for Central Plan. The balance from current revenues available for a 5 year plan depends upon the transferred resources from Centre and State’s own revenues (sum of these two equals receipts) along with the relative stability of the non-plan expenditure, i.e. the extent to which a state is able to keep its non-plan expenditure under control.

134.  The president of India addresses both Houses of Parliament assembled together at the commencement of the first session

A.  of each year
B.  After each general election to the House of the People
C.  Both 1 and 2
D.  Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer:-C ( Both 1 and 2 )
Description:-  Article 87(1) of the Constitution provides:— “At the commencement of the first session after each general election to the House of the People and at the commencement of the first session of each year the President shall address both Houses of Parliament assembled together and inform Parliament of the causes of its summons.”

135.  Implementing laws is the function of

A.  Executive
B.  Legislature
C.  Judiciary
D.  Cabinet

Correct Answer:-A ( Executive )
Description:-  The executive branch is responsible for implementing the laws that are created by the legislative branch (the Rajya Sabha and House of Representatives). The Executive Branch is in charge of the administrative aspect of the government. Its main purpose is to execute, enforce and administer the laws that legislature passes.

136.  Education is included in which of the following lists?

A.  Central list
B.  State list
C.  Concurrent list
D.  Local list

Correct Answer:-C ( Concurrent list )
Description:-  Concurrent list consists of 52 items (previously 47 items). Marriage and divorce, transfer of property other than agricultural land, education, contracts, bankruptcy and insolvency, etc, come under this list.

137.  Can a person who is not a Member of Parliament be appointed as a minister’?

A.  No
B.  Yes
C.  Yes, provided the Parliament approves of such an appointment.
D.  Yes, But he has to become a Member of Parliament within six months of his appointment.

Correct Answer:-D ( Yes, But he has to become a Member of Parliament within six months of his appointment. )
Description:-  Generally, Ministers are appointed from the legislature. But, an exception to this rule is carved out by the Constitution itself. The combined effect of Articles 75(5) and 88 is that a person not being a Member of either House of Parliament can be a Minister only up to a period of 6 months before which he has to get elected.

138.  Under which of the following situations can Rajya Sabha be dissolved?

A.  When financial emergency is declared in the country.
B.  When emergency is declared due to failure of Constitutional machinery.
C.  Both 1 and 2
D.  None of these

Correct Answer:-D ( None of these )
Description:-  The Rajya Sabha is also known as “Council of States” or the upper house. Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retires every second year, and is replaced by newly elected members

139.  Who can legislate on those residual matters which are not mentioned in Central/ State/Concurrent lists?

A.  State legislatures exclusively
B.  Parliament alone
C.  Parl iament after State legislatures concur
D.  Parliament or State legislatures as adjudicated by the Supreme Court

Correct Answer:-D ( Parliament or State legislatures as adjudicated by the Supreme Court )
Description:-  The constitution vests the residuary power, i.e., the power to legislate with respect to any matter not enumerated in any one of the three lists in the union legislatures (Act. 248). It has been left to the courts to determine finally as to whether a particular matter falls under the residuary, power or not.

140.  The salary of the Members of Parliament is decided by

A.  The Parliament
B.  The Central Cabinet
C.  The President
D.  The Speaker

Correct Answer:-A ( The Parliament )
Description:-  The amenities provided to the members of parliament relate to salaries and allowances, travelling facilities, medical facilities, accommodation, telephones, etc. These are governed by the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954 and the rules made there under. Note : last time in 2010 the legislation was passed by voice vote to raise MPs’ salaries from Rs. 16,000 to Rs. 50,000.

141.  Who held the office of the Vice- President of India for two full terms?

A.  S. Radhakrishnan
B.  V.V. Giri
C.  B.D. Jatti
D.  M. Hidayatullah

Correct Answer:-A ( S. Radhakrishnan )
Description:-  Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the Vice President of India for two consecutive terms from 13 May, 1952 to 12 May, 1962. He was the second President of India from 1962 to 1967.

142.  What is the correct order of succession (earlier to later)among the following Presidents of India? a. Dr. Zakir Hussain b. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan c. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed d. V.V. Giri

A.  a-c-d-a
B.  c-b-d-a
C.  d-a-b-c
D.  b-a-d-c

Correct Answer:-D ( b-a-d-c )
Description:-  Zakir Husain: May 13, 1967 – May, 3, 1969; Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: 13 May 1962 – 13 May, 1967; Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed: August 24, 1974 – February 11, 1977; and V. V. Giri: May 3, 1969 – July 20, 1969, August 24, 1969 – August 24, 1974.

143.  If the Speaker of Lok Sabha intends to vacate his office before the expiry of his term, he sends his resignation to

A.  Chairman of Rajya Sabha
B.  Leader of the House (Lok Sabha)
C.  Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
D.  President of India

Correct Answer:-C ( Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha )
Description:-  The Speaker may, at any time, resign from office by writing under her hand to the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker can be removed from office only on a resolution of the House passed by a majority of all the then members of the House.

144.  The Parliament enjoys the exclusive right to legislate on the subjects contained in

A.  the Union List
B.  the Concurrent List
C.  the State List
D.  Both 1 and 2

Correct Answer:-A ( the Union List )
Description:-  Three subject lists, the Union list, the State list, and the Concurrent list, define the legislative powers of each level of government. The parliament of India enjoys the exclusive right to legislate on the subjects contained in the Union List.

145.  A Bill is certified as Money Bill in Lok Sabha by

A.  the President
B.  the Finance Minister
C.  the Prime Minister
D.  the Speaker

Correct Answer:-D ( the Speaker )
Description:-  The Speaker of the Lok Sabha conducts the business in the house. He/she decides whether a bill is a money bill or a non money bill.

146.  When the Vice-President officiates as President of India, he draws the salary of

A.  Chairman of Rajya Sabha
B.  President
C.  Member of Parliament
D.  Both 1 and 2

Correct Answer:-B ( President )
Description:-  When the Vice President discharges the functions of the President, he shall not perform the duties of the office of the Chairman of Rajya Sabha and shall not be entitled to receive the salary of the Chairman. During this period, he is entitled for the salary and privileges of the President of India.

147.  Who presides over the joint sitting of the Parliament in India ?

A.  The person elected by both the Houses
B.  The Chairman of the Council
C.  The Speaker, Lok Sabha
D.  The Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha

Correct Answer:-C ( The Speaker, Lok Sabha )
Description:-  In case of a difference between the two Houses over a non-money bill, the President may call a joint sitting of the Houses to resolve it. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over such sitting.

148.  The right to nominate members to the Rajya Sabha rests with

A.  The President
B.  The Vice President
C.  The Judiciary
D.  The Lok Sabha

Correct Answer:-A ( The President )
Description:-  Rajya Sabha membership is limited to 250 members, 12 of whom are nominated by the President of India for their contributions to art, literature, science, and social services.

149.  The minimum age for a person to seek election to Lok Sabha is

A.  21 years
B.  25 years
C.  30 years
D.  35 years

Correct Answer:-B ( 25 years )
Description:-  The minimum age for a person to become a member of Rajya Sabha is 30 years. The minimum qualifying age for membership of the Lok Sabha is 25 years. Note : Dushyant Chautala is the Youngest Member of Parliament till date. He is the youngest ever elected member or Parliament in the history of India and holds a record in ‘Limca Book of Records.

150.  The power to create or abolish the Upper House of the State Legislature belongs to the

A.  Governor
B.  Parliament
C.  High Court
D.  State Legislature

Correct Answer:-B ( Parliament )
Description:-  Proposals for abolition or re-establishment of a state’s Legislative Council require confirmation by the Parliament of India. In 2010 the Parliament of India passed an Act to re-establish a Legislative Council for a seventh state, Tamil Nadu, but implementation of the Act has been put on hold pending legal action.

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