Union Executive and Legislative Gk Questions


181.  What should be the gap between first No-Confidence motion and second No-confidence motion ?

A.  2 months
B.  3 months
C.  6 months
D.  9 months

Correct Answer:-C ( 6 months )
Description:-  There is a gap of at six months between two noconfidence motions. So the parties always use the opportunity of no confidence motions to present their views before the house and thus before the people.

182.  Which one of the following appointments is not within the purview of the President of India ?

A.  Chief Justice of India
B.  Chairman, Finance Commission
C.  Chief of Army Staff
D.  Speaker of Lok Sabha

Correct Answer:-D ( Speaker of Lok Sabha )
Description:-  The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha after the general elections for a term of 5 years from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha.

183.  The expenditure made on which of the following does not require budgetary approval every year in India ?

A.  Defence
B.  Natural calamities
C.  Consolidated fund
D.  Contingency fund

Correct Answer:-B ( Natural calamities )
Description:-  Natural Calamities are sudden “acts of god,” which cannot be anticipated and planned. So budgetary approvals are not needed in this case. A budget is normally a statement of revenue receipts and expenditure. An appropriation bill or running bill is a legislative motion (bill) which authorizes the government to spend money. It is a bill that sets money aside for specific spending.

184.  How many persons can be nominated by the president to the Rajya Sabha from among those who have distinguished themselves in art, literature, social service etc.?

A.  4
B.  8
C.  12
D.  None of the above

Correct Answer:-C ( 12)
Description:-  12 members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President of India for their contributions to art, literature, science, and social services.

185.  In which of the Parliamentary Financial Committees is the Rajya Sabha not represented ?

A.  Public Accounts Committee
B.  Estimates Committee
C.  Committee on Public Undertakings
D.  Expenditure Committee

Correct Answer:-B ( Estimates Committee )
Description:-  The Estimates Committee consists of 30 members who are elected by the Lok Sabha every year from amongst its members. A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee. The term of the Committee is one year.

186.  The Members of Rajya Sabha are elected for a term of

A.  Two years
B.  Four years
C.  Six years
D.  Five years

Correct Answer:-C ( Six years )
Description:-  Rajya Sabha is a permanent House and is not subject to dissolution. However, one-third Members of Rajya Sabha retire after every second year. A member who is elected for a full term serves for a period of six years.

187.  Which of the following does not come under ligislative control over administration ?

A.  Zero hour
B.  Adjournment motion
C.  Budget session
D.  Formulation of a Bill

Correct Answer:-C ( Budget session )
Description:-  There are several ways in which Parliament exercises control over public administration. Some of the important means of control are: control of administrative policies; control of appropriation; audit and report; interpolations-parliamentary questions; zero hour discussion, calling attention motions, short note discussions, adjournment motions; debates and committees of parliament.

188.  From which fund can the unanticipated expenditure be met without the prior approval of the Parliament ?

A.  Consolidated Fund of India
B.  Contingency Fund of India
C.  Vote-on-Account
D.  From the Treasury

Correct Answer:-B ( Contingency Fund of India )
Description:-  A contingencies fund or contingency fund is a fund for emergencies or unexpected outflows, mainly economic crises. The Contingency Fund of India established under Article 267 (1) of the Constitution is in the nature of an imprest (money maintained for a specific purpose) which is placed at the disposal of the President to enable him/her to make advances to meet urgent unforeseen expenditure, pending authorization by the Parliament. Approval of the legislature for such expenditure and for withdrawal of an equivalent amount from the Consolidated Fund is subsequently obtained to ensure that the corpus of the Contingency Fund remains intact.

189.  One of the important attributes of Parliamentary form of government is

A.  Fixed tenure for the executive
B.  Executive is answerable to the people
C.  Executive is separate from the legislature
D.  Collective responsibility of Council of Ministers to the Parliament

Correct Answer:-D ( Collective responsibility of Council of Ministers to the Parliament )
Description:-  In the Parliamentary form of government, the Parliament is supreme, and the governments, comprised of some members of the Parliament, are accountable to it. Some of the features of parliamentary form of government in India are: President as Head of state and the Nominal Executive; Prime Minister as the Head of Government and real center of power; Prime Minister as the Captain of the council of Ministers; Ministerial Respon-sibility; Individual Responsibility of each Minister; Collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers, etc.

190.  The Parliament and the Constitution are the instruments of

A.  Legal Justice
B.  Political Justice
C.  Economic Justice
D.  Social Justice

Correct Answer:-C ( Economic Justice )
Description:-  The concept of economic justice has not been defined in the Constitution, but the ideals of economic justice has been. Article 39 (b) (c) and (d) signify those ideals. Economic justice simply means the absence of distribution between man and man. As mentioned in the Preamble, Indian constitution has strived for justice: social, economic and political.

191.  The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the

A.  President
B.  Prime Minister
C.  Lok Sabha
D.  Rajya Sabha

Correct Answer:-C ( Lok Sabha )
Description:-  Article 74 of the Constitution of the Republic of India provides for a Council of Ministers which shall aid the President in the exercise of his functions. Article 75 states that the Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the House of the People.

192.  ‘Zero Hour’ in the working of the Indian Parliament means

A.  Hour before the Question Hour
B.  The first Hour of the Session
C.  Interval between Question Hour and next Agenda
D.  When ‘Privilege Motion is accepted

Correct Answer:-C ( Interval between Question Hour and next Agenda )
Description:-  Zero Hour in Parliament starts at 12 noon during which members raise matters of importance, especially those that cannot be delayed. In ‘Zero Hour’ members can raise questions without prior notice to the Chairman. Question Hour is the first hour in India’s Lok Sabha devoted to questions. During this hour members can raise questions about any aspect of administrative activity. Zero Hour follows Question Hour.

193.  In which year was the “House of the People” named as “Lok Sabha” ?

A.  1954
B.  1964
C.  1974
D.  1984

Correct Answer:-A ( 1954)
Description:-  The Lok Sabha (House of the People) was duly constituted for the first time on 17 April, 1952 after the first General Elections held from 25 October 1951 to 21 February, 1952. The first Session of the First Lok Sabha commenced on 13 May, 1952. The Lower House or the House of the People was named the ”Lok Sabha” in Hindi on 14th May, 1954.

194.  Nomination of Rajya Sabha Members by the President was taken from the Constitution of:

A.  U.S.A.
B.  Iraland
C.  South Africa
D.  France

Correct Answer:-B ( Iraland )
Description:-  The Constitution of India borrowed the following features from the Irish Constitution: concept of Directive Principles of States Policy (Ireland borrowed it from Spain); method of election of President; and the nomination of members in the Rajya Sabha by the President.

195.  Which of the following items is under the State List ?

A.  Agriculture
B.  Criminal Law
C.  Education
D.  Defence

Correct Answer:-A ( Agriculture )
Description:-  There are 66 subjects defined and enlisted under the List – II of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, which form the exclusive domain of each one of the State Govern-ments within India, and thus effectively ousting the domain of the Central (Union) Government in framing laws under these subjects. Agriculture, including agricultural education and research; protection against pests and prevention of plant diseases, is one such subject.

196.  If the Prime Minister of India submits his resignation to the President, it will mean the resignation of the :

A.  Prime Minister only
B.  Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers
C.  Entire Council of Ministers
D.  Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and the Speaker

Correct Answer:-C ( Entire Council of Ministers )
Description:-  One of the key features of parliamentary democracy in India is the principle of individual and collective responsibility. So if the Prime Minister resigns, this means the resignation of the entire Council of Ministers.

197.  Zero hour is at the discretion of

A.  Prime Minister
B.  Speaker
C.  Opposition leader
D.  President

Correct Answer:-B ( Speaker )
Description:-  In ‘Zero Hour’ members can raise questions without prior notice to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The order in which the matters will be raised is decided by the Speaker at his/her discretion.

198.  The President of India can issue a proclamation of National Emergency only on the written recommendation of

A.  The Prime Minister
B.  The Cabinet consisting of only Cabinet Ministers of the Union
C.  The Council of Ministers of the Union
D.  Parliament

Correct Answer:-C ( The Council of Ministers of the Union )
Description:-  National emergency is caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion in the whole of India or a part of its territory. The President can declare such an emergency only on the basis of a written request by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. Such a proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within one month.

199.  Which of the following is not associated with Parliament?

A.  Prorogue
B.  Adjournment
C.  Dissolve
D.  Dismiss

Correct Answer:-D ( Dismiss )
Description:-  Prorogue: To discontinue a session of Parliament; Adjournment: suspension of parl iamentary proceedings to another time or place; and Dissolution: end or termination of the Lower House of the Parliament.

200.  Which type of emergency has been imposed only one time in India so far ?

A.  Internal Emergency
B.  State Emergency
C.  External Emergency
D.  Financial Emergency

Correct Answer:-A ( Internal Emergency )
Description:-  Between 26 June, 1975 to 21 March, 1977 under controversial circumstances of political instability under the Indira Gandhi’s prime ministership — “the security of India” was declared “threatened by internal disturbances.”

201.  Which of the following motion is related with the Union Budget?

A.  Adjournment
B.  Censure
C.  Cut
D.  None of the above

Correct Answer:-C ( Cut )
Description:-  Cut motion is a veto power given to the members of the Lok Sabha to oppose a demand in the financial bill discussed by the government. This can turn into an effective tool to test the strength of the government. If a cut motion is adopted by the House and the government does not have the numbers, it is obliged to resign.

202.  The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected for a term of :

A.  Two years
B.  Four years
C.  Five Years
D.  Six Years

Correct Answer:-D ( Six Years )
Description:-  Rajya Sabha is a permanent House and is not subject to dissolution. However, one-third Members of Rajya Sabha retire after every second year. A member who is elected for a full term serves for a period of six years.

203.  When was National emergency imposed by the President of India on the grounds of internal disorder ?

A.  1962
B.  1965
C.  1971
D.  1975

Correct Answer:-D ( 1975)
Description:-  Between 26 June, 1975 to 21 March, 1977 under controversial circumstances of political instability under the Indira Gandhi’s prime Ministership — “the security of India” was declared “threatened by internal disturbances.”

204.  Which of the following motion is related with the Union Budget ?

A.  Adjournment
B.  Censure
C.  Cut
D.  None of these

Correct Answer:-C ( Cut )
Description:-  The notices of cut motions can be tabled after the present-ation of Railway/General Budget. The Speaker shall decide whether a cut motion is or is not admissible and may disallow any cut motion when in his opinion it is an abuse of the right of moving cut motions or is calculated to obstruct or prejudicially affect the procedure of the House or is in contravention of these rules.

205.  Which one of the following committees is NOT a Standing Committee of the Parliament?

A.  Public Accounts Committee
B.  Estimates Committee
C.  Committee on Public Undertakings
D.  Consultative Committee to the Ministry of Finance

Correct Answer:-D ( Consultative Committee to the Ministry of Finance )
Description:-  Each House of Parliament has standing committees which are permanent and regular committees and are constituted from time to time in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of Parliament or Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Parliament. The Financial Committees, DRSCs and some other Committees come under the category of Standing Committees. These are the Committees on Subordinate Legislation, the Committee on Government Assurances, the Committee on Estimates, the Committee on Public Accounts and the Committee on Public Undertakings and Departmentally Related Standing Committees.

206.  The Ministers in the Union Government hold office during the pleasure of the

A.  Lok Sabha
B.  President
C.  Parliament
D.  Prime Minister

Correct Answer:-B ( President )
Description:-  The President appoints the Prime Minister and the other members of the Council of Ministers, distributing portfolios to them on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers remains in power during the ‘pleasure’ of the President.

207.  If Parliament appoints a Committee for a specific purpose, it is known as

A.  Joint Committee
B.  Permanent Committee
C.  Standing Committee
D.  Ad hoc Committee

Correct Answer:-D ( Ad hoc Committee )
Description:-  Ad hoc committee is appointed for a specific purpose. Standing Committees are elected or appointed every year or periodically and their work goes on, more or less, on a continuous basis.

208.  Who is the Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha ?

A.  Vice – President of India
B.  President of India
C.  Speaker of Lok Sabha
D.  Prime Minister of India

Correct Answer:-A ( Vice – President of India )
Description:-  Vice-President of India is an ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

209.  In which of the following list docs the subject ‘planning’ figure ?

A.  State List
B.  Concurrent List
C.  Residuary List
D.  Union List

Correct Answer:-B ( Concurrent List )
Description:-  ‘Planning’ has been included in Concurrent List.

210.  Money can be spent out of the Consolidated Fund of India with the approval of :

A.  The Parliament
B.  The Speaker of Lok Sabha
C.  The Comptroller and Auditor General
D.  The President

Correct Answer:-A ( The Parliament )
Description:-  Items charged on the Consolidated Fund of India can be discussed but not voted upon in any House of the Partiament. No demand for grant under this head can be reduced or rejected.

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