Hydrosphere and Oceanography Gk Questions

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31.  Which one of the following ocean currents does not occur in Atlantic Ocean ?

A.  Gulf stream
B.  Brazil current
C.  Peru current
D.  Canary current

Correct Answer:-C ( Peru current )
Description:-  The Humboldt Current , also known as the Peru Current, is a cold, low-salinity ocean current that flows north-westward along the west coast of South America from the southern tip of Chile to northern Peru. It is an eastern boundary current flowing in the direction of the equator, and can extend 1,000 kilometers offshore.

32.  The main cause of Tsunami is :

A.  Volcanoes
B.  Cyclones
C.  Earthquake on sea floor
D.  Moon’s attraction

Correct Answer:-C ( Earthquake on sea floor )
Description:-  A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, typically an ocean or a large lake. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.

33.  Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the

A.  Earth on the Moon
B.  Earth on the Sun
C.  Sun and Moon on the Earth
D.  Moon on the Earth

Correct Answer:-C ( Sun and Moon on the Earth )
Description:-  Tide-generating forces (TGF) are a result of the gravitational attraction between the earth, the sun, and the moon and the centrifugal force due to the relative motions of the moon around the earth, and the earth around the sun. While these forces exactly balance on average, the local mismatch at the earth’s surface creates a horizontal force directed towards the surface points closest and farthest from the moon.

34.  Tides in the sea are caused by

A.  effect of Sun
B.  effect of Moon
C.  eombined effect of Moon and Sun
D.  gravitational force of Earth and Sun

Correct Answer:-C ( eombined effect of Moon and Sun )
Description:-  Tide-generating forces (TGF) are a result of the gravitational attraction between the earth, the sun, and the moon and the centrifugal force due to the relative motions of the moon around the earth, and the earth around the sun.

35.  Sea water is saltier than rain water because

A.  rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea
B.  sea beds have salt producing mines
C.  sea animals are salt producing
D.  the air around the sea is saltish

Correct Answer:-A ( rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea )
Description:-  Sea water is saltier than rain water because rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea.

36.  In sea, plants are restricted up to the depth of

A.  20 m
B.  200 m
C.  1000 m
D.  2000 m

Correct Answer:-B ( 200 m )
Description:-  In sea, vegetations are found upto the depth of 200 m.

37.  El Nino occurs over

A.  Atlantic Ocean
B.  Indian Ocean
C.  Pacific Ocean
D.  Mediterranean Sea

Correct Answer:-C ( Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  El Nino occurs over Pacific Ocean. El Nino is a southerly, warm ocean current.

38.  The Sargasso sea is situated in the :

A.  Atlantic Ocean
B.  Pacific Ocean
C.  Indian Ocean
D.  Arctic Ocean

Correct Answer:-A ( Atlantic Ocean )
Description:-  The Sargasso Sea is a region in the gyre in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. The Sargasso Sea is home to seaweed of the genus Sargassum (origin of its name), which floats en masse on the surface there.

39.  The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called:

A.  South Atlantic drift
B.  Counter Equatorial drift
C.  West Atlantic drift
D.  North Atlantic drift

Correct Answer:-A ( South Atlantic drift )
Description:-  The eastward continuation of the Brazil Current is called the South Atlantic Drift. It is also known as the West Wind Drift because it forms at 400 South latitude due to the impact of the Westerlies. The eastward movement is due to the Earth’s rotation.

40.  The rapidly growing mass of phytoplankton covering the surface water of a lake or pond is known as :

A.  Eutrophication
B.  Water bloom
C.  Water pollution
D.  Water hyacinth

Correct Answer:-A ( Eutrophication )
Description:-  Eutrophication is the ecosystem response to the addition of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and phosphates, through fertilizers or sewage, to an aquatic system. One example is the “bloom” or great increase of phytoplankton in a water body as a response to increased levels of nutrients.

41.  Which one of the following is a warm ocean current ?

A.  Kurile
B.  Canary
C.  Labrador
D.  Gulf Stream

Correct Answer:-D ( Gulf Stream )
Description:-  The Gulf Stream is a warm current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and moves north toward Europe. Since it is full of warm water, the sea surface temperatures are warm, which keeps places like Europe warmer than other areas at similar latitudes.

42.  The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called

A.  Tide
B.  Ocean current
C.  Wave
D.  Water cycle

Correct Answer:-A ( Tide )
Description:-  The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called a tide. The tides are caused due to strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface.

43.  Neap tides are

A.  Strong
B.  Weak
C.  Medium
D.  Very strong

Correct Answer:-B ( Weak )
Description:-  Neap tides are especially weak tides. They occur when the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are perpendicular to one another (with respect to the Earth). Neap tides occur during quarter moons.

44.  The Ocean with the largest surface area is

A.  Arctic Ocean
B.  Atlantic Ocean
C.  Indian Ocean
D.  Pacific Ocean

Correct Answer:-D ( Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  At 165.25 million square kilometers in area, the Pacific Ocean is the largest division of the World Ocean – and, in turn, the hydrosphere. It covers about 46%’ of the Earth’s water surface and about one-third of its total surface area, making it larger than all of the Earth’s land area combined.

45.  The largest current, because of its dark waters is known as the ‘black current’ and that is :

A.  Gulf Stream
B.  Kuroshio Current
C.  California Current
D.  Antarctic Current

Correct Answer:-B ( Kuroshio Current )
Description:-  The word ‘Kuroshio’ means ‘Black Current’ in Japanese. Also known as Japan Current, it is a warm ocean current which flows up the East coast of Asia and under the influence of the westerly winds to wards North America. It is the counterpart of the Gulf Stream. However, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the largest oceanic current on Earth.

46.  Spring tides occur on

A.  New moon day only
B.  Full moon day as well as on new moon day
C.  Full moon day only
D.  The day when the moon’s position is in its first quarter

Correct Answer:-B ( Full moon day as well as on new moon day )
Description:-  Spring Tides refer to either of the two tides that occur at or just after new moon and full moon when the tide-generating force of the sun acts in the same direction as that of the moon, reinforcing it and causing the greatest rise and fall in tidal level. The highest spring tides (equinoctial springs) occur at the equinoxes.

47.  Best way to conserve our water resources :

A.  Rain water harvesting
B.  Sustainable water utilization
C.  Encouragement of natural regeneration of vegetation
D.  All of the options mentioned here.

Correct Answer:-D ( All of the options mentioned here. )
Description:-  Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and activities to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource, to protect the water environment, and to meet current and future human demand. Rain water harvesting, sustainable water use and natural regeneration of vegetation are some of the holistic ways for conserving water.

48.  The smallest ocean is :

A.  Atlantic
B.  Pacific
C.  Indian
D.  Arctic

Correct Answer:-D ( Arctic )
Description:-  The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world’s five ocean basins. With an area of about 5.4 million square miles, the Arctic Ocean is about 1.5 times as big as the United States. It is bordered by Greenland, Canada, Norway, Alaska, and Russia. It is almost completely covered with ice for the majority of the year.

49.  How much of world’s surface is covered by water?

A.  0.55
B.  0.7
C.  0.8
D.  0.25

Correct Answer:-B ( 0.7)
Description:-  Water makes up 70.8% of the Earth’s surface, while the other 29% consists of continents and islands. To break the numbers down, 96.5% of all the Earth’s water is contained within the oceans as salt water, while the remaining 3.5% is freshwater lakes and frozen water locked up in glaciers and the polar ice caps.

50.  The largest reservoir of fresh water is :

A.  Glaciers
B.  Ground Water
C.  Ponds
D.  Lakes

Correct Answer:-A ( Glaciers )
Description:-  The largest water reservoir is the ocean, containing 97.3%’ of all water on Earth. Only 2.8 %’ of all the water on Planet Earth is fresh water. Three-quarters of all fresh water on Earth is frozen in glacier ice. So glacier ice is the second largest reservoir of water on Earth and the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth!

51.  A semi enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea is called

A.  Estuary
B.  Fjord
C.  Cove
D.  Ria coast

Correct Answer:-A ( Estuary )
Description:-  An estuary is a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from land drainage. Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and maritime environments. They are subject both to marine and riverine influences.

52.  The ‘EL Nino’ phenomena which sparks climatic extreme around the globe, originates in the

A.  Sea of China
B.  Pacific Ocean
C.  Indian Ocean
D.  Atlantic Ocean

Correct Answer:-B ( Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  El Niño (Little Boy, or Christ Child in Spanish) refers to the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific. It was originally recognized by fishermen off the coast of South America in the 1600s, with the appearance of unusually warm water in the Pacific Ocean.

53.  Terrigenous deposits are found in

A.  Deep Sea Plain
B.  Ocean Trenches
C.  Rift Valley
D.  Continental Shelf and Slope

Correct Answer:-D ( Continental Shelf and Slope )
Description:-  In oceanography, terrigenous sediments are those derived from the erosion of rocks on land; that is, they are derived from terrestrial (as opposed to marine) environments. Consisting of sand, mud, and silt carried to sea by rivers, they are mainly deposited on the continental shelfand slopes. Terrigenous sediments that reach the continental shelf are often stored in submarine canyons on the continental slope. Turbidity currents carry them down into the deep sea.

54.  ‘El Nino’ that affects our Monsoons, has its origins in

A.  The Indian Ocean
B.  The Himalayan Plateau
C.  The Pacific Ocean
D.  The Arabian Peninsula

Correct Answer:-C ( The Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean that causes global changes of both temperatures and rainfall. It is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, as opposed to La Niña, which is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific.

55.  Where is the Great Barrier Reef located ?

A.  Pacific Ocean
B.  Indian Ocean
C.  Atlantic Ocean
D.  Arctic Ocean

Correct Answer:-A ( Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeastern coast of Queensland, Australia in the Coral Sea in the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. It is the world’s largest coral reef system, composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres.

56.  A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a:

A.  Strait
B.  Sound
C.  Bay
D.  Fjord

Correct Answer:-C ( Bay )
Description:-  Bay is inlet of the sea or other body of water usually smaller than a gulf. It refers to the concavity of a coastline or reentrant of the sea, formed by the movements of either the sea or a lake. A bay is usually located where more easily eroded rocks are bounded by harder and more resistant formations made from igneous rocks.

57.  The gentle ‘seaward sloping’ surface from the coasts is called __________.

A.  Continental shelf
B.  Continental rise
C.  Abyssal plains
D.  Submarine ridges

Correct Answer:-A ( Continental shelf )
Description:-  Continental Shelf is a gentle seaward sloping surface extending from the coasts towards the open sea. In all, about 7.5%’ of the total area of the oceans is covered by the continental shelves. The shelf is formed by the drowning of a part of a continent with a relative rise in sea level or marine deposition beneath the water.

58.  Ring of Fire is found commonly in _____

A.  Pacific Ocean
B.  Atlantic Ocean
C.  Indian Ocean
D.  Arctic Ocean

Correct Answer:-A ( Pacific Ocean )
Description:-  The Ring of Fire is an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. It has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75%’ of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes. It is sometimes called the circum- Pacific belt.

59.  “Great Barrier Reef”, the world’s largest Coral reef is located in

A.  Caribbean Islands
B.  Australia
C.  Philippines
D.  Indonesia

Correct Answer:-B ( Australia )
Description:-  The Great Barrier Reef is situated off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia. It is the world’s largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres.

60.  The deepest trench of the Indian Ocean is

A.  Java trench
B.  Aleutian trench
C.  Atacama trench
D.  Tizard trench

Correct Answer:-A ( Java trench )
Description:-  The Sunda Trench, earlier known as the Java Trench, is the deepest point in the Indian Ocean. It is located in the northeastern Indian Ocean, with a length of 3,200 kilometres. The trench is considered to be part of the Pacific Ring of Fire as well as one of a ring of oceanic trenches around the northern edges of the Australian Plate.

61.  “Tsunami” is the name given to which of the following?

A.  Earthquake
B.  Cyclone
C.  Tidal Waves
D.  Undersea Waves

Correct Answer:-D ( Undersea Waves )
Description:-  A tsunami or tidal wave, also known as a seismic sea wave, is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake. Unlike normal ocean waves which are generated by wind, or tides which are generated by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun, a tsunami is generated by the displacement of water.

62.  The tides in the sea are primarily due to

A.  the atmospheric effect of the Earth
B.  the gravitational effect of Venus on the Earth
C.  the gravitational effect of the Sun on the Earth
D.  the gravitational effect of the Moon on the Earth

Correct Answer:-D ( the gravitational effect of the Moon on the Earth )
Description:-  A tide is the periodic rising and falling of Earth’s ocean surface caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the Moon acting on the oceans.The height of tides varies somewhat with the phases of the Moon. At New Moon and Full Moon, tides are higher because the Sun’s tidal force adds to the Moon’s. This is called “spring tide”.

63.  A stretch of sea water, partly or fully separated by a narrow strip from the main sea is called

A.  Bay
B.  Isthmus
C.  Lagoon
D.  Strait

Correct Answer:-C ( Lagoon )
Description:-  Lagoon is a shallow stretch of water which is partly or completely separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land. In the case of coral reef, it is a channel of sea water between the reef and the main land. Lagoons are common coastal features around many parts of the world.


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